Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kitchen Windowsill Garden

My friend Maureen was going to throw these little galvanized pots away! I rescued them and
instead of planting the predictable herbs which I would promptly kill, I planted succulents.

It was a beautiful sunny day and I was in a gardening mood. After planting the succulents, I spruced up the window boxes outside with pink geraniums.

I enjoy creating windowsill vignettes for the kitchen sink. Sometimes I have matching topiaries, sometimes I just put candles there to be lit at night. Or fresh flowers.

Let's see how long these succulents last!
Thank you Maureen for these little galvanized treasures!

I'm linking up to Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Please stop by and see all the other participants.


  1. How incredibly lovely! Your kitchen is beautiful.

  2. Your kitchen is fabulous, and the little pots are just wonderful. I love them. Such a good idea to use the succulents. Looks gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  3. Delores they look perfect in the window. I love a touch of green in real plants. I think the only way you can kill them is by watering too much. Good luck, they look great!! Kathysue

  4. Perfect, because I usually kill plants by not watering them. Thus, succulents. My next victims!

  5. Delores, I love those little cans you rescued. I love succulents, too but would probably kill them, too. Every real plant I have had has died in the house. Outside plants are o.k. though. Love your kitchen, too. Those windows swung open and the sun and fresh air coming in make me long for the sun here. Rainy and very foggy today.

  6. Well that does it, I've decided you are my favorite blog Delores! I love your style, your creativity, your ability to create amazing vignettes. It's all wonderful. And I could honestly get lost in your blog for hours if I let myself.

  7. Fabuloso!~ Your friend may want them back now! I would love a window sill, I have windows but they are the crank style....

  8. Wonderful! You did a beautiful job. Love your kitchen too! WOW!

  9. Your kitchen.... with that window and the greenery up the wall... is all right out of a magazine! GORGEOUS! OK' love the plants too, and how you displayed them. JGG

  10. Very cute idea! I just donated 2 galvanized little pails to the Good Will. Darn.

  11. Aren't you samrt! That window is beautiful and your view of your ivy colored house is gorgeous! Every time I come to your blog, one of your homes (or something in them) takes my breath away. I'm getting too old to have my breath taken away! I may have to quit visiting your blog. Nah! It's worth it! laurie

  12. Of course, that's supposed to say "ivy covered" not "colored" house! laurie

  13. I love succulents. You are so right, herbs would have been expected. I so enjoy the unexpected.

  14. Sure do like your kitchen! Great view! Years ago I had so many plants and they survived my neglect. Since I moved here - not so much.:( I think it is a lighting issue here.

  15. I do believe these little buggers can live even thru an Indiana winter!
    be brave dear soul ...just add water.

    great "little" post ...short and sweet!!!

    p.s. did you clean house before those pictures?

  16. Oh what a pretty view from your window -- and your pretty little window garden too. Thanks for your sweet visit to my little St. Patrick's table.

  17. I can grow things out of doors just fine but indoor plants always die. I guess I should water them once in a while.
    Even succulents don't make it in my house.
    We are months away from geranium weather. Thanks for sharing yours.

  18. Love the succulents and I am so jealous you can open your windows (it's still too cold here)! I have some herbs on my window sills ans I am hoping not to kill them either!

  19. I love the little galvanized pots filled with the succulents, great idea.

  20. They look gorgeous! What a fabulous idea.

    Leeann x

  21. Perfect!!! You recycled and made it all so beautiful.

    My Show n Tell is just Springtime Flowers in our Yard A nice treat after a long, cold winter!! Stop over and 'smell the roses' with me if you can! I'd love your company!!

  22. Hi Delores, thank goodness you rescued those adorable pots and prettied them up - they are perfect on your window sill - lovely view while at that great farm style sink!

    Have a fun weekend.

  23. Very cute. It's a great idea for planting and sprucing up an often forgotten spot in the home. Thanks for sharing.

  24. I looked at this post with such envy. My kitchen window and actually my kitchen look so much like yours it is amazing. The only difference is your windows are open and you are looking out a lush green. I am looking out at bare trees, patches of dirty snow under the pines, and a cloudy sky. I think I need a little of the California sunshine.
    I could so relate to how you like to change out your window with the different times of the year. I like to do the same thing and I am looking forward to putting something up with a spring time feel.
    Have a great weekend.

  25. Lovely kitchen window! The pots are adorable!

  26. The pots are cute. They look great on your window sill. Actually, tho, I'm drooling over your kitchen.

  27. I love succulants! your look so good in those containers and even more gorgeou in your window

  28. Your kitchen looks like a dream! I love the sink in front of the window and those plants look great on the window sill.

  29. Your kitchen is to die for!! I love it that your rescued the little galvanized pots. I hate to see anything that can be used thrown away.

  30. What a wonderful idea! How nice to have a little view of spring from your kitchen window sill! Happy Friday!...Debbie

  31. Hi Delores, I love these pots! You're a hero for rescuing them! I love galvanized *things* -I have a project with *galvanized* watering cans I'm working on to make them look *aged*, please stop back at my place in a day or two for my finished display! ~Marcy


  33. Looking really good! Both the succulents on the inside and the geraniums from the outside!

  34. Loved your kitchen and your window sill garden was so cute too. I have never liked succulents much, but they are growing on me...

  35. Love your vignettes... LOVE your kitchen!

  36. I decided to search your blog and did find your BEAUTIFUL kitchen! Here I am with 22 year old tile counter tops, wishing for granite, and you are wishing for carrera!!!! LOL! What I REALLY want is a different house!!!!! That isn't happening, I can see.... I love your house! XO, PInky


I appreciate your comments! If you have any questions, I will answer them here, so be sure to check back!