Tuesday, March 16, 2010

San Francisco, Open Your Golden Gate

"It only takes a tiny corner of
This great big world to make the place we love;"

Last Saturday was a beautiful day in San Francisco!
We headed over the Golden Gate Bridge, north to the Wine Country.
I thought of the song Judy Garland sings:

"San Francisco, open your golden gate
You let no stranger wait outside your door."

Looking back towards San Francisco, the sun glistening on the water.

Our beautiful City by the Bay.

"Other places only make me love you best,
Tell me you're the heart of all the golden west."

I'm linking up to Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.
Be sure to visit and see more outdoor photography.

Also, because I'm so thankful to be living in this beautiful part of the world,
I'm linking up to Wednesday Gratitude over at Heart and Home.
Be sure to visit Heidi and see other thankful posts.


  1. Beautiful shots of the Golden Gate Bridge. We went to San Francisco many years ago and I have always wanted to return. Loved it there.

  2. Beautiful just beautiful

  3. I was in your fair city many years ago. It is a truly lovely place, but it was very cold when there. You shared some great views of the bridge.

  4. I love San Francisco, but it has been years since I have been. Great pictures!

  5. Beautiful photos. It's easy to see why you love it so much, just gorgeous. Kathy

  6. Beautiful shots!!! I have been to San Francisco several times, but it has always been overcast when we have gone. We had a family friend that supervised the painting of the Golden Gate bridge. By the time they finished painting one end, they'd start again at the other.

  7. Delores,
    Oh my what a lovely place! Your pictures are just gorgeous on such a clear day. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. I have never been to California, but I need to put it on my list. The bridge is so iconic and beautiful.

  9. Hi Delores,
    Thanks for linking in to the party!
    I love your pics of the Golden Gate, what great shots! You did have a clear day. I took a bunch on our way home on Sunday. I thought I'd post them some other time. What a fantastic view from up there, on the side going south. We'd never stopped on that side before!
    I so wanted to stay in the Farmhouse, but as you saw we actually wound up on the coast. Someday, though I'm going to stay there! It looks fantastic. Thanks again for your recommendations.
    I love this area, too. We are so lucky. SF is absoluley one of the best cities in the world!
    I think it would be fun to meet you halfway, sometime. Maybe at Ikea, what do you think? Just an idea...I am not a stalker....
    Have a great week.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  10. Beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  11. Great pictures...I love that bridge!! Makes me want to get on an airplane right now...I love SF, Carmel, Napa and pretty much the entire CA coast...can't wait to return in the fall. Thanks for the gorgeous views.

    Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  12. San Francisco, one of my most favorite cities to visit! Still looking beautiful

  13. Delores these are great pictures of our part of Calif. Seeing them on your post makes me realize how truly lucky we are to live here. Kathysue

  14. I sure do miss THE CITY.

    I made the two hour drive every Saturday to take my son into Davies Symphony Hall. He played in the orchestra... I went shopping and lunched with friends

    I love looking at your blog as it brings back good memories.

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  15. I haven't ever been to San Francisco. It is on my "bucket list." Great post of the bridge and SF.
    Joyce M

  16. i saw on the webcam via CBS5 that it was a beautiful day in the bay today...wish i had knwon that earlier, i would have taken a drive over....clear days of the golden gate are so special!
    thanks for posting!

  17. Wonderful photo of the Bay Bridge. The scenery is just beautiful

  18. ...my great uncle travelled from the mountains of north carolina to san francisco to work on builing the golden gate bridge...i never ever see a picture of it without wondering which parts of it were touched by him...

  19. I have not been to San Franisco yet but would like to visit some day. Your pictures are fabulous!

    Thank you for the virtual tour!

    ~ Tracy

  20. So beautiful! I used to live in Monterey Bay and we'd take excursions up to San Francisco often. This brought me back for a moment.
    Laura @ Enjoying the simple things

  21. How beautiful. Great captures.
    I was there last year but no time for sight seeing:).
    Thank you for sharing.

  22. What great pictures, I've never been to San Francisco, but I'd like to get there one day :)

  23. Great pictures. I'm thinking I either need to take my time when I am capturing moments or I need a better camera. My pictures don't look like this. Well done. Love San Fran. Enjoy,
    Pam @ Becolorful

  24. I have a pretty hefty fear of bridges ... I get the heeber-jeeberz up in all that air ...

  25. We were just in San Francisco this weekend celebrating our anniversary. Friday was miserable but Saturday and Sunday it was BEAUTIFUL! Great pictures!

  26. I was born on Hamilton Air Force base across the bay from San Fran :) I hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day and Outdoor Wednesday :)

  27. Oh... I so love San Francisco. We vacationed there about 7 years ago.... so want to go back very soon.


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