Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our Spring Weekend in Asti

Last weekend in the wine country was absolutely gorgeous. The temperature was in the upper 80's and Spring was definitely in the air. We spent the day on Saturday cleaning and getting ready for the warm months to follow. Of course I had my camera at the ready, trying to capture the gloriousness of the day.

We ended up doing a lot of "spring cleaning." All the lanterns under the pool house, as well as the barbeque and sink area got a good scrubbing. During the winter, mice got in under the cabinets, so that was a job to clean up too. I guess that's a fact of life when living next to a field!

While Mr. A was scrubbing the barbeque, I wanted to do something fun, so I put a tablecloth on the table and staged it with lanterns and an old grain sack that I found in Texas.

Dexter and I felt like exploring, so we decided to walk down to the edge of our property and check out the new growth on the vines in the neighboring vineyard.

Just a month or so ago, there were no leaves on the vines. How beautiful are these Cabernet Sauvignon vines and the wildflowers growing below? They belong to Rodney Strong Vineyards.

Walking back, Dexter and I noticed how the fields are full of wild flowers like these wild sweetpeas.

Looking back up from the vineyard: the pool house....

.....And the pool and main house.

Time to get back to work! We harvested all the Spring garlic and planted some vegetables like these heirloom tomatoes. What a job! The soil needed to be amended, so there were a lot of wheel barrel trips back and forth with fresh soil.

I hope the squash grows. Last year, I planted too late and didn't get one squash!

Here is our raised bed garden outside the kitchen door. I found these bamboo teepees at Orchard Supply last year and they make great tomato cages. We ended up planting four heirloom tomatoes.

Looking from the pool house toward the raised bed garden is this flower bed. I planted about ten hollyhocks in here next to the existing roses and sweet alyssum.

Looking up, I see a parachuter gliding down over the oak tree. I can hear the screams of fear and exhilaration from above! There is no way I will ever do this! My feet are firmly planted "terra firma!"

This view is my exhilaration!

I'm joining Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.
This is a great place to be inspired by beautiful outdoor photography, so check it out!


  1. Oh, man!! I am living in the wrong part of the country. You have a beautiful home and grounds.

  2. My husband just got back from a trip to California. He spent one day in Calistoga. He kept telling me what a beautiful drive it was and he is not one that usually notices such things. Boy was I jealous!!

    Your photos are so gorgeous and I love the old grain sack on the table.

    Thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll! I was stunned when I saw that. I am really honored to be included on your wonderful blog!

    Have a great week!!

  3. Delores~Cleaning is never any fun! But, when you are in such beautiful country it has certainly got to be more enjoyable. : ) Thanks so much for sharing some great photos of the California Wine Country.
    The Tattered Tassel

  4. Your Asti home looks so wonderful. How amazing to gaze over vineyards! I didn't know there was Spring garlic? maybe it is too cold here in Canada to grow that. I found garlic the other day in the grocery store from China!

    Anyway, thanks for the peek at your gorgeous place.

  5. Delores, amazing, amazing. I love the wine country and to think you own a home there is just amazing to me. It looks as if you put in a good weekend of work. your pool house is wonderful and I love the stair stepped garden, great idea. All of it is soooo breath taking, Kathysue

  6. OMG Delores! That place is just stunning, the view incredible, your garden wonderful. I can only imagine what a labor of love it would be to clean at a place like that! Even I wouldn't mind it! Every time I see a new picture I am amazed at the beauty that you are able to call home.Fantastic!!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  7. Delores, I always look forward to photos of your beautiful homes. Loving that chippy worn chair in the first photo. Sounds like a very productive weekend. What an awesome place for a garden!

  8. Lovely photos. I really like the grain sack on your table with the little lanterns. Perfect!


  9. Absolutely breathtaking!

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  10. Thanks for the tour around your beautiful home. You would not find me on one of those gliders. My feet are firmly planted also. :D

  11. wow! beautiful, beautiful place! Ideal! And your pup is super cute :) Great photos all around!

  12. That was truly lovely...The photo of the pool and main house belongs in "House Beautiful".
    Thanks for sharing your utopia!

  13. Oh, I had no idea! I want to visit Wine Country, so badly, at some point in my life. Now I can feel like I have somewhat! Your home and views are stunningly incredible! Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I cannot wait to see more as your vines progress. Beautiful!

  14. Thank you for sharing these photos of your lovely home in the wine country, do you get there every weekend.....

  15. Gloriousness. Well put.

    I have been to Napa and the surround villages several times and love it. A group of my closest friends floating in a balloon above the vinyards at 6 am was my absolute favorite. The beauty of the land takes my breath away every time.


  16. Coming to visit you was like a mini vacation. Even though there was some work involved, the land and buildings and vineyard was so gorgeous it took my mind away with you for a little while. So beautiful!

  17. i am so smitten with you home... i dream of it and sketch my own version, that pool house calls me right down the arbor way~ heavy sigh to the good good life!

  18. Just stunning! Now...do you spend the whole summer there...or just weekends?

    Do you accept guests? Who will happily de-mice cabinets? ;)

    Just wunderin.......

  19. Oh how I love the Napa and Sonoma Valley...so beautiful everywhere you look...looking forward to my next trip! How blessed you are to live there and plant a garden in that wonderful soil!

    Miss Bloomers

  20. You have such a beautiful home and a spectacular view. Thanks for sharing with us.

  21. Delores, I adore the wine country and your place is so wonderful! You made the table a delight.

    Art by Karena

  22. Gorgeous photos and scenery. Love the wine country. Your little dog is a cutie!

  23. You make spring cleaning and getting rid of mice look delightful! You're proving that we can find beauty everywhere....just look! Your country home and land are just wonderful!

  24. Delores, your photography is amazing,. this is gorgeous and I feel like I am there! xxj

  25. I surely am glad we're friends ... this friend needs a week in your guest quarters .... will work for food and lodging

  26. Amazing photo's
    Love the vineyards I want one!! Please!
    I use to live in your area and then moved to SO.Calif I do miss it there nothing like it. Love your Villa.
    I will be back to take in the aroma of those grapes.


  27. Fabulous photos! Your landscape is awesome. Dexter is a cutie. I love the fields of wildflowers.

    ~ Tracy

  28. Ohhh, your property is gorgeous! What a treat to go outside there. Would you believe that Southern IL is really coming on strong with vineyards. I guess they used to be a lot of them here and lately they just keep popping up. There is no lack of local wine in the markets. I love to cook with wine. I also, love your lanterns with your grain sack as a table runner.

  29. Beautiful, wonderful, postcard perfect! (even with the mice). laurie

  30. Your photos are as beautiful as your home. Thanks for the tour. Hope you'll stop by if you have time. Jane F.

  31. I always enjoy a visit to your beautiful wine country home - everything is just perfect! Know it's a lot of work to keep it so immaculate Delores......so if you ever need help don't hestitate to call - I'm checking the airlines now, lol!!!!!

    Hugs - Mary

  32. I love what you did with the grain sack.The lanscaping is beautiful. It's as though you can hear the birds and smell the flowers through your beautiful pictures!

  33. You must feel like you have died and gone to heaven every time you visit your wine country home. Home and surroundings ~ BEAUTIFUL!


  34. I have spent my this spring with my family in the hilly area.We all were not want to come back on our daily routines.

  35. Nice post,Thank you and keep posting.


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