Tuesday, June 8, 2010

An Evening Garden Tour

Come join me for an evening tour of our back yard.

It's 8:30 pm and the temperature is still in the 70's. What a gorgeous evening! All the path lights are lit, casting their glow around the grass area.

This view is looking up towards the lawn, with the large planting area to the right.
To the left, you can see the Monet like arbor and tent.

It's getting darker. I love how the Monterey Cypress looks silhouetted against the sky.
It is in the neighbor's backyard, but we get to enjoy the view.
A few weeks ago, the fence was solid pink with Cecile Brunner roses.

Isn't the pool a lovely turquoise this evening?

The arbor is loaded with climbing New Dawn roses. I've never seen it this full. I think it is because of all the rain this year.

I see a little "blue hour!"

Here is my little angel illuminated in the flower bed, holding water for the birds.

Even the roses look aglow at this time of night, thanks to the garden lights. It almost looks like daylight!

Hard to believe it's now 9:30 pm! See the glimpse of blue?
I hope you have enjoyed touring my garden this evening. Thanks for stopping by!

I'm linking up to Susan at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday.
Thanks Susan for hosting.

Outdoor Wednesday: Click on the picture below to learn more...


  1. Your garden is just gorgeous, Delores!...Christine

  2. Beautiful blue hour and beautiful turquoise pool! :))

  3. Gorgeous pictures and garden. You were able to catch the glow of the lights so well!


  4. Your garden is gorgeous...should be in one of the pages of a garden magazine. I simply luv how it sparkles at night!

  5. wow... how spectacular... at a loss for words on how beautiful your garden is!

  6. What a lovely tour! Your gardens are so beautiful!

    Kat :)

  7. Beautiful garden. Wonderful way to spend the evening.

  8. Beautiful garden and such a lovely time to take a stroll. Love seeing the "blue hour". ~ sarah

  9. Thanks for the beautiful tour of your backyard!

  10. Wowza! what a "back yard"!

    Hey have you ever sprinkled Epsom salts around the roots of your roses? I used to do it on a climbing rose bush at our previous house. I'm not joking when I say we had roses 6" round! Try it, it'll make your roses sing like a fat lady at the Opera!

    Lovely pictures, thank you!

    The Gilded Barn

  11. I think most of us would be happy to just move in with you and enjoy all the beauty you create and inspire. Your homes and gardens are sooooo beautiful!

  12. gorgeous! so warm and inviting.

  13. Thank you for opening up your home and beautiful garden for us. I love working in my yard and wished it looked just a little bit like yours.

  14. Such a peaceful setting you've shared today. Your gardens are just beautiful.

  15. Thank you for the tour. I had a lovely time, as usual.

  16. Delores, thank you for the invitation. I really enjoyed it to stroll with you trough your very beautiful garden. And I love your New Dawn. I have one climbing on my house. Your rose looks as if it is the house of The Sleeping Beauty. And yes, your brillant pictures are worth to be shown in a garden magazine.
    Greetings, Johanna

  17. How in the world did you ever pull yourself back inside? Lovely gardens! I would have sat outside and greeted the stars, for certain : ) Loved this little glimpse of paradise. xx Suzanne

  18. It looks like a vacation paradise. I am flying out and staying with you!

  19. Beautiful. Those Cypress are a favorite of DH.

    Dropping by from Outdoor Wednesday, #3. If you haven't already registered for our vessel sink giveaway there's still time!


  20. You have a beautiful backyard.

  21. What a pretty yard! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  22. oh how i love gardens... the shot of the cypress could have been sunset in carmel~

  23. Just gorgeous Delores! I bet it smells good out there, too. I just love a balmy evening, sitting outside in the garden. It's like being on vacation. We don't get nights like that very often being so near the coast. But I can imagine, and in your lovely garden it would be even nicer. Such pretty roses! (Makes me kind of frustrated when I look outside and see all the work that needs to be done around here to get things looking presentable again! Oh well, life...!)
    Have a great day. Let's get together soon.
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  24. Delores...what a idylic garden. Love layered gardens especially ones with steps leading to other "rooms". Lovely....(sigh).

  25. Well Hi there! I am so glad that are paths crossed....your yard has left me speechless. For me that say's a lot Ha! I am in love with your gardens and cant wait to read more about your beautiful home. I just had to stop reading and come by to let you know how blown away I am.....beautiful!!! Susie~

  26. Simply Stunning! Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  27. Looks so tranquil, love to sit out there myself.Just beautiful.

  28. It's amazing that I am the next comment...Ann above is my sister who lives 8 hours away! Your gardens are wonderful and I can just imagine a dip in that pool about dusk. Hope you come by and visit. Debbie

  29. The roses are just like a dream. Actually, I do have a dream of having something like this, someday. We have to finish that silly stone wall, first!

    I saw your evening garden and, before I read any of your words, I could feel the warmth of a CA June evening. Are you getting lots of fog in the morning and then very warm days?

    I invited summer in my open front door, if you recall, and, immediately, it became raw and cold! Lovely but VERY cold. It's time to fire up the wood stove. I can't believe it.

    Thanks for taking us around your lovely garden. I enjoyed every moment!

    Love, Katy Noelle

  30. Oooooooh--- how pretty! I do believe I would just want to sleep out there in your garden - lovely!

  31. You have an absolutely stunning backyard and garden. Thank you for the evening tour of your beautiful garden.

    ~ Tracy

  32. The roses, the pool, the neighbor's trees, the gardens - it's all so glorious!

    I'm hosting a new meme and would love to have you come and participate. It's called "Summer Sundays" and it's all about what summer means to YOU. Perhaps your beautiful gardens? Hope you'll come and join us.

    - The Tablescaper

  33. Everything is exquisite and the landscape lighting makes it all so magical. i would love to have a pool but in the midwest it really isn't practical. Sure looks beautiful though.

  34. Your garden is beautiful all a glow!


  35. What a beautiful garden, swimming pool..just everything is lovely. Thanks for the tour.

    I'm sharing some wildlife that visits me if you'd like to come take a peek.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  36. Okay that does it Delores. I am moving in. Please have my room ready. I can cook and am not that messy.
    I understand the privacy issue so you can email me your address so I will know where to go.
    Just kidding....sigh.

  37. Just lovely! Great images. Thanks for sharing them.

  38. I loved the walking tour and all I can say is WOW! Your roses are stunning.
    I always feel like I'd like to be sitting at your table or in this case walking around talking to you in your garden. I had fun. Thanks.


I appreciate your comments! If you have any questions, I will answer them here, so be sure to check back!