Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Where's the Creche?

The living room mantel is shaping up for the holidays. Here's a quick peek!

I usually have the nativity scene from Mr. A's childhood front and center on the mantel, but this year I wanted to create a mantelscape that is all organic greens, plants, mercury glass with a touch of tole.

As I am adding and subtracting, tweaking the mantel, I feel that something is missing! Oh, I know. The nativity scene! I actually miss seeing it....

I was at my girlfriend's house yesterday and saw that she put her creche on the coffee table. What a great idea!
Guess what I'm doing today?

I'm linking up to Sherry at No Minimalist Here for her "Share the Decor" party.
Be sure to visit. There will be lots of Christmas decor inspiration!


  1. Delores, your mantel is beautiful! As I view your posts with all the photos of your home I am in awe that your home is so timeless and transcends passing interior design trends. Your home is timeless and classic, as well as classy!

  2. I have such fond memories of setting the three wise men out in the kitchen with their camels while the creche laid in the living room. That's what Christmas is to me, many wonderful memories new and old.

  3. You have such a beautiful home.

  4. looks so fresh and green, but i swear i can smell it~

  5. Delores love love your mantel it all looks so pretty in your livingroom, so inviting!!! Isn't it funny how there are certain things that we have to have up or out in order for it to feel like Christmas. Wait until you read an upcoming post I did on something I lost, so sad!!! Merry merry Christmas.
    I am suppose to be wrapping today but I have had a few hitches in my day, so goes life,xo

  6. I think your mantel looks beautiful just as it is. I also think the creche will be perfect on the coffee table. Char

  7. Your mantel is quite lovely. I love all the natural elements you've put together. especially with the mercury glass. It's quite lovely.

  8. Delores --
    Your home is even more beautiful with your Christmas decor. I, too, am missing our creche. The first one we had, when the girls were little is missing the baby Jesus. Too many wagon rides and high chair meals for him! Then the dog ate the replacement Jesus! So we have two very beautiful nativity scenes with no baby Jesus. They are in the attic!
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  9. That is the painting over your mantel too! :D

  10. Love the plaid throw on the sofa. That would have been perfect in Kathie Lee's holiday styled home!
    Thanks for sharing.

  11. Dearest Delores,

    Funny you use the word crèche...!
    Love your mantel and its yellow/golden lights! Look very nice in your living room. The framed roses even can double as Christmas roses. Perfect spot to sip a Moscato d'Asti after dinner... with soft Christmas music.
    Great job!!!

    Enjoy finishing your crèche on your coffee table...

    Mariette's Back to Basics

  12.'ve got me thinking now. Be-u-ti-ful mantle, and anxious to see nativity. I put a newer one on my entry table. But now I'm thinking about pulling out my older one and finding a home for it. Tis the Reason for the Season!

  13. Delores,
    Arriving to On Crooked Creek years ago presented us with many challenges. Where to put the Christmas decorations were one of many! We put the Creche on the entertainment center shelf. Perfect fit! All eyes when turned to view programs are also turned to worship!

  14. Your mantle is beautiful...and there better be a picture of your nativity set ON the coffee table soon!>) Hugs- Diana

  15. Delores,
    It could not look anymore beautiful than it is. Cozy beautifully inspiring Christmas over at your villa at its best.

    I love the antique shopping adventure you were on in your last post. That enormous Gutter hopper looking piece is amazing, you know the one setting up side down with the beautiful blue and rust patina. Sitting by the table, by the finials your hubby liked.

    I wish I were there shopping with you :)

    Have a beautiful Christmas

  16. I love your design, very earthy. Is that the right word? Anyway, it's beautiful and natural. And, I learned a new word today Creche. Thanks for the knowledge.

    Take care,


  17. My creche is always on the mantle as well. I'll be curious to see how yours turns out on the coffee table.

    - The Tablescaper

  18. Hello Delores,
    a montle is really a nice place to set a beautiful decoration like yours. Love all the details. And I am curious about your creche.
    Greetings, Johanna

  19. Absolutly gorgeous! I love that rose painting mixed with your decor!

  20. Delores,

    Your home is so beautiful, whether holiday dressed or not. I love seeing the subtle changes you incorporate into your timeless decor. The mantle looks lovely, inviting and warm with the mercury glass holders. Love that plaid throw over the sofa too.


  21. Delores, it is breath taking! I love all of the greenery on your mantel, and those Christmas tree shaped topiaries. Is that burlap covering your mantel? That looks great. I love all of the candles in the beautiful holders. Can't wait to see your creche. laurie (p.s., I think you're gonna win.)

  22. Your picture just slay me...they are fabulous! The beauty you create is unmatched by any other blogger. Bravo!

  23. Your mantel looks lovely - I think the table is a perfect idea - and that way you get a new look and tradition at the same time!

  24. It is beautiful! So is your photography! Just wonderful! (I'm sure you understand that, even though it's obvious, I just have to say it.) I love your white christmas post, too. Well, I'm inspired to death but not sure that I can do anything about it, yet. Still, not a lick of decorating in my house. sigh.

    love, Katy xo

    P.S. The thought of a creche on the coffee table sounds like living on the edge. Then again, I have two puppies and three little boys, right?! =]

  25. Delores, your mantle looks gorgeous! I just read that putting a nativity under the tree is because Jesus is THE gift of Christmas! I loved that! I have one under my tree and my Hummel Nativity is on my credenza. I just posted it all if you want to come have a peek!!! XO, Pinky

  26. Oh I knew would have just a spectacular mantel...I have been waiting and am overwhelmed! Just plain perfection!

  27. Your mantel is a work of art. The coffee table for the nativity is a great idea, and that is where mine is going tomorrow. It's the only surface left, actually!

  28. I absolutely love your mantle. I especially love your rose painting. It is so pretty!

  29. This mantel has caused quite a stir in my (small blogging friends) world. You just don't know how much burlap was purchased in the past couple of days! :)
    Love, love, love your mantel!!!

  30. I love you home! Thanks for sharing. Any chance you can tell me where you bought the sconces on either side of the mantle? Love those especially!
    Merry Christmas

  31. Your home is straight out of a magazine! Gorgeous decor and lovely Christmas touches.
    I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
    Merry Christmas!

  32. Oh how beautiful! I would be proud to call this my mantle.


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