Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday's Mindful Home: The Zen of Folding Clothes

"Do the laundry without resentment or commentary and have an intimate encounter with the very fabric of life." ~Karen Maezen Miller

The last time I did laundry, I remembered this quote and really tried to be mindful of the zen of folding clothes, and not complain about my least favorite chore.
Easier said than done!


  1. Hei Delores...die handtücher sind wunderschön...!Bussi.Lu.

  2. You truly don't enjoy folding lovely clean, fresh clothes Delores? It's one of my favorite jobs, like ironing - however I dislike any housework which involves water...

  3. HI Delores! I have to admit - laundry isn't my favorite thing to do either. But look at your snap - love little linens and those little clothes pins are just precious!
    Have a beautiful Sunday and be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I don't like DOING the laundry but do enjoy folding the clothes etc. Now I will think of you while doing that:):) XO, Pinky

  5. With cute little ladybug clothespins like yours, I would mind it a whole lot less!
    My husband folds & hangs up all his own stuff. He is Anal-retentive NEUROTIC about how his things are placed...stripe shirts all go together, each color of shirt has its own section on the racks. His navy socks have to be separated by a section of brown socks so he doesn't get them mixed up with the black socks. He says it all started when he had to get dressed in the dark to go deliver babies! That was over 45 yrs. ago....old habits die hard!!! LOL

    Happy Sunday, Ms. D!

  6. I'd rather have an intimate encounter with my debit card at Marshall's. LOL hope you're having a great weekend!

  7. Oh gollies, now you are making me think.

  8. I always found hanging laundry out on a clothesline to be so mindful and relaxing.~Ames

  9. I will tell myself this as I do about 50 loads of laundry in preparation for my family's vacation today. Ha!

    Happy Sunday!

  10. Such a pretty post!
    Love your little vintage embroidered towels.
    Happy Sunday to you....

  11. I've never minded doing laundry either...and folding is actually fun (except for fitted sheets LOL)!

  12. *** Ahhhh, Delores, so THAT'S what "that room", with those two big "machines" is probably for!!!! Well, I'll be DARNED!!! (but not the SOCKS!)...

    Serously tho, we had a washer & dryer built-in to our closet (Yes, it is quiiiiite huge, & you DO need that to do this correctly)~~~ It is used for our "personal" things & things not sent to the laundry, etc. The big laundry room is used by our housekeeper~~~ keeps everyone happy!

    Big Hugs,
    Linda in A Z*

  13. Oh, I just got a delightful laugh out of your short and to the point post. I had glanced at the heading and almost didn't come. Out of all the housechores - I love them all - except for the laundry (well, really, the putting it away part). I was braced for the lecture and the guilt.... teeheeee!=]

    A HUGE hug to you - you've earned it!


  14. Such pretty towels. Love all of the embroidary and the lace edgings. Lovely!

  15. I love clean clothes but I am bored to tears with that job! My laundry is in my basement level so it requires hauling it all up the stairs. I guess it's a form of exercise at that point! We plan to take over an upstairs closet and put a stackable set...then I hope the job will be more tolerable! My husband tried to help for a while but after everything turned a funny color in one load he got scared off! LOL... A woman's work is never done!

  16. My husband does most of the laundry and folding... I'm a lucky gal! It only took me 30 years to train him. LOL
    I do like to iron though, and really don't mind doing the laundry and folding.

  17. Good quote "without resentment" but I really don't like it! How pretty are those hand towels??? Now this is something that I could be happy about...the sweet lace on the trim and the elegant blue ribbon.

  18. Reminds me of the basket full of clothes waiting to be folded :(

  19. When I was growing up laundry was one of my jobs at home. Disliked it for years. Now that I'm no longer working I really enjoy it. Maybe because it is no longer a all day job? A load every other days is OK by me.

  20. Oh yes - the dreaded folding!! I have now told me kids that if I get it inside out that's how they're getting it back!! Thank goodness by elder daughter does her own laundry (but I still sometimes get stuck with the folding - ugh)!

  21. I have a terrible time with laundry...mostly putting it away. I should take your tips and try to put my heart into it more. It's not going away so I should embrace it.


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