Monday, January 16, 2012

Blah Blah Blah

I've been a little "under the weather" lately.
It seems that I have a bad case of the January Blahs!

I always get a bad case of the blahs in January, but this year it's worse because it's been two months since we have had any real rain! Day after day of beautiful sunny weather!

The birds haven't even flown south yet!
It needs to rain. Then my January Blahs will match the weather!

This is the time of year when a rip roaring fire is appreciated...

...along with candles. Lots of candles.
My battery operated candles have been a real blah fighter too, automatically coming on at 5:00 pm. It's fun that they're everywhere, up the stairs, on the window sills and mantels.

The January Blahs will eventually be replaced by February and the hope of Spring.
In the meantime, I'm also fighting the blahs with flowers. Lots of flowers.

The weather report says a major storm is arriving on Thursday.
I can't wait!


  1. You wouldn't make it here in BC Delores...I came out of work today at 4:45 and it was dark and snowing out and it is cold!!!!!
    Enjoy the sun. Soak it up and enjoy the Vitamin D.

  2. It is scary with no rain, feb means spring here but how can that happen when we are saharaish... No blahs 4 me at the beach, things are whipped up and frothy, plus 27 degrees! More like mind numbing and exhilarating... How major is this storm??? Not relishing major if in this tiny exposed cottage :(

  3. I get the blahs from the COLD and the DREARY sky, and the GRAYNESS of winter.....NOT from day after day of sunny skies:):):)!!!! It was 17 degrees here this morning. THAT gives me the BLAHS!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  4. How funny! I'm in New England, and although I've been enjoying the highly unusual mild and uneventful weather, I must admit I'm longing for a big storm (well, manageable one!) I want a day home to make hot soup and hang out with the family. Just doesn't feel right, this winter. I'm fighting blahs, too.

  5. I hear you about the blahs. For me it's about "January, after Christmas and the holidays" not so much the weather. Hope you get some rain, soon!

  6. Cool and misty here most of today. Sitting by a cozy fire with my laptop in hand. ;-)
    ~ Sarah

  7. I get December blahs, I'm not a holiday spirit like you! January has been LOVELY, but I'm looking forward to some rain: I'm still watering my garden, and my cuttings are not happy. Thanks for the heads up on the storm!

  8. January is always a bit blah, but we usually have grey, cold and rainy days for our version of the blahs. I hope you get your storm, and flowers are always the best medicine!

    Kat :)

  9. Our weather is getting crazier all the time. Sixties today teens tomorrow. Love the candles Delores!


    Art by Karena

  10. You feel like I do with no snow. I am waiting, tap tap tap for a serious snow fall! Normally have one, two or three by now..whats going on with our crazy weather? Battery operated candles that come on at a designated time? I love it!
    Hope your storm is a biggie, the kind that keeps you inside all day with candles burning, and something yummy cooking!

  11. Very nice pictures and words... I understand perfectly, I need rain and spring too!!

  12. you are certainly the furtherest thing from blah blah blah ... hahaha

  13. I am sorry you have the blahs. I happen to love the stillness of January. My body and soul need it. Try to think of it like that. :)

  14. Great tips, Delores! I picked up my copy of Tuscan Style yesterday. Congratulations! Your home is beautiful...but we here in blogland already knew that! :-) Happy week!...hugs..Debbie

  15. Somehow misery loves company...I have had the blahs too! I really like winter and am longing for a few gray and wintery days. As a California girl I should be used to this unseasonable weather but somehow I'm not. Your post made me smile, maybe even swept away some of the blah feelings. :-)
    Karen at Garden, Home & Party

  16. OK, Delores, I am one of your readers who does not understand rueing the lack of good weather. Good weather is why I moved from NY to SW Florida. Blue skies and sunny days chase away the blahs for me.
    All the best...Victoria

  17. I get the blahs in January every year but I have to laugh at the fact that you have so much beautiful weather and no rain!! We're in the middle of a snow storm and I'm staying home and off the roads. I wish I had that issue of too much sun!! Oh well, it's all what you get used to! I'll take your sun and palm trees to my snow and ice!!

  18. As someone who grew up in Pennsylvania and moved to California when I married my husband, I find that I get depressed with too much sunny weather in the winter. It's hard enough not getting my 4 seasons but sometimes, I just need a good ol' fashioned thunder & lightening storm to get the blood humming.

  19. HI D! You feel more blah this year because of your whirlwind last two months. Prop your feet up, light that fire and recuperate!! Your body and mind need a little rest for a couple of weeks at least. Give me a call we can commiserate!!! xo Kathysue

  20. Your Never Blah blah blah!!

    Delores it looks so peaceful and full of beauty over here.

    Always inspiring


  21. I always find January a struggle too... Although it is the opposite here... I will be searching for warmth come February... I hope the rain comes your way soon... Grab your umbrella, dress up tight and skip through some puddles... That should help... And in the mean time keep the flowers coming... xv


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