Saturday, November 10, 2012

An Early Autumn Morning In Asti

 After being away for several weeks, we discovered that fall has officially arrived in Asti.
The first clue is the Mulberry Tree.
It's dropping its leaves and soon will be just a skeleton.

 The grapevines are just crispy leaves and shriveled unpicked grapes... for the birds that are still hanging around, including the turkeys, who clearly didn't get the memo that Thanksgiving is just around the corner!

 I just love how the early morning light casts a warm glow on everything.

Especially the light in autumn.
Isn't it beautiful?

Yes, autumn has officially arrived in the wine country.

Mr. A and I are spending the weekend winterizing the house and preparing for our first Thanksgiving celebration in Asti.  
It's going to be epic!


  1. Delores, Asti's beauty is evident in all the seasons. What a fabulous place to spend a family Thanksgiving. And how lucky we are to get a peek at the festivities. Looking forward to seeing your celebration.

  2. Lovely!!! I hope you will tell us all about your Thanksgiving. It snowed in Mammoth yesterday--YAY!

  3. Grapes into raisins and the beat goes on

  4. Hei du,wie geht es dir?Der herbst ist schööön!Schönes W.E.Bussi.Lu.

  5. Fall is my favorite time! Your Asti is beautiful.

  6. Great job of capturing the gorgeous golden light. I bet Thanksgiving in Asti will be extra special. Can't wait to see the pictures.

  7. Such beautiful light, it just glows so warmly and you my dear captured it with your lens, great picts. xo Kathysue

  8. Fall in our area is a beautiful thing. I have the same trees as you do in my backyard. They cover our little patio this time of year. I feel so blessed to live in this beautiful place.

  9. What a perfect place to celebrate Thanksgiving. I know you will share some amazing photos with us of the beautiful event. Can't wait!

    Have a great week!

  10. Sonoma is so beautiful this time of year...wish we could find the time to get up there! Love your photos!


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