Sunday, September 19, 2010

Red Sky At Morning

"Red sky at morning, sailors take warning."
I couldn't help thinking of this old saying when I saw the red sky this morning. I guess this means the weather is changing, a reminder that summer is coming to a close and fall is officially here.

I was up very early this morning! Which was great, because not only did I witness this magnificent sunrise, but I captured it with my camera. These photos are from my front yard looking south.

The sky looks like it's on fire! Yet there is a chill in the air; rain is on its way.

As the red faded, the sky changed to pale yellow, blue and gray. In the pale morning light, everything looked surreal.

What a beautiful morning! I took the opportunity to pause and reflect, to say goodbye to summer, and to feel grateful for another day.

Wednesday is Fall Equinox. So, Happy Fall everyone, and here's wishing you:

"A September to remember.
An October full of splendor.
A November to treasure."
~ from La Prevenchere, Brittany, France

This sunrise is so beautiful, I can't help but share it at
Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper.
Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer.
Wednesday Gratitude at Heart and Home.


  1. Delores gorgeous photography. what a special lady you are to reflect on life in such a posetive manner and to wish you readers such a wonderful sentiment. xoxo Kathysue

  2. Delores, this is amazing photography. The ske does look as if it is on fire. Love that little rhyme. May I use it on one of my QCI blogs this month while I'm guest blogger over there? ~ Sarah

  3. These are gorgeous photos. What do they say, (DH repeats this to me all the time just because he loves to fish) "Red sails at night sailors delight, red sails in the morn sailors take warn." I don't think it has anything to do with the season but a good fishing quote to keep in mind. I enjoyed your post.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  4. What balm for the soul... I especially love the palms backlit from the sunrise~ glorious!

  5. Wow! What beautiful photos. You did a wonderful job capturing natures beauty.

  6. That sky and your pictures are amazing!! And so is your garden!
    Patricia :o)

  7. Beautiful photos! So worth getting up for. That red sky is a very unusual sight for me. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Gorgeous photos, Delores! As much as I like Summer I love Fall. It's my favorite time of the year. Have a great week.

  9. The pictures are just beautiful! I am enjoying your photography! I have had trouble replying via e-mail to some that have asked about the rattan cake stand, so passing info along here! I purchased it at a store in Charlotte, NC (Traditions Interiors and Accessories...her blog is listed on my blog list!), but I have also seen it at of my favorite catalogs...just such cute things! Thanks for stopping by Three Pixie Lane!

  10. I, too, LOVE taking photos of the beautiful sky in all it's splendor.

    Yes, Sept. 23rd is the first day of fall and I don't have a single fallish deco out in my whole house. Still knee deep in summer out here in West Texas. :))

    Beautiful photos...

  11. Such glorious photos. God clearly has a masterful hand. It's amazing how the sky cn change so dramatically and take on the season at had. Gorgeous.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tableacaper

  12. Took my breath away! Gorgeous photography of God's work. laurie

  13. Thanks for getting up early to get the magnificent photos for me. I tend to specialize more in sunsets...LOL. Cherry Kay

  14. beautiful, I love it!!!

  15. You have captured such beauty in your photos! And your reflections on them is very inspiring, as well. I can remember many California mornings when visiting our son out there. Some of my favorites were when we were in Palm Springs and the sun rose over the mountains. Just beautiful.... I was up so early because my inner clock was still on Eastern Time Zone. LOL
    Thanks for sharing all this loveliness.
    ~ Sue

  16. Gorgeous! I see you are really getting good with that new camera of yours :) You remind me of a little kid with her new toy!

  17. These are fantastic!!!!



  18. Absolutely gorgeous...gorgeous...gorgeous...
    We had a lot of red in our sky this morning too...but nothing that spectacular! Have a great week! Diana

  19. Dearest Delores,

    That was quite a sunrise to catch on camera! Great photos and indeed a perfect way to welcome autumn weather...

    Sunny greetings from Georgia,


  20. Gorgeous photos, isn't nature something? I love being up early when it's quiet and I have the whole world to myself!

  21. Just absolutely gorgeous scenery!! AND photography!! Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures!!!

  22. Delores, I'm back for Outdoor Wednesday and another look at the beautiful sky you captured. Thank you! ~ Sarah

  23. Beautiful post. Early morning is my favorite time of day, everything so new and fresh. It puts me in a very hopeful state of mind...what will the day bring?

  24. Fabulous pictures! That sky really looks like it's on fire! What a wonderful part of the world you do live in! Liz

  25. Beautiful pictures...I so appreciate a cloudy sky!

  26. Those pictures are BEYOND stunning!!!

  27. Gorgeous sky! Love the colors. I saw a beautiful sky this morning too but unfortunately I was not able to capture it. So glad you shared yours with us today.

    ~ Tracy

  28. Wow! Delores, what a precious morning "just for you"! I can just feel it through your photos. What a gift!

  29. Wonderful photos!

  30. Beautiful post! In one of the photos, it almost looked as if the sky were on fire.

    I hope you don't mind. I linked your post to my PORCH AND GARDEN PARTY at


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