I have a million excuses for not exercising, but the bottom line is that I hate to exercise. Period.
There I said it!

If I had an exercise routine, it would involve walking.
Walking is the one thing I don't mind doing, once I'm actually doing it.
Gyms? I've joined a few with good intentions, usually around this time of year, only to stop going altogether after a few weeks.
There I said it!

If I had an exercise routine, it would involve walking.
Walking is the one thing I don't mind doing, once I'm actually doing it.
Gyms? I've joined a few with good intentions, usually around this time of year, only to stop going altogether after a few weeks.
No. I don't run either!
I've finally realized that I can't hide from exercise any longer.
It's time to get off my blogger butt, off my Pinterest butt, off my computer butt and "just do it!"
Since #3 on my Ultimate List is to get more exercise, that could mean anything from a long walk once a week, to full on running, plus weight training.
I'm just going to take it a day at a time and do my best to get more exercise.
Who knows, I may even start to like it!
I'm going to keep calm, set realistic goals and keep a journal to chart my progress.
Besides Oscar, I've got a few friends that will periodically join me on a walk, but otherwise I find listening to music really helps.
The idea is to make it fun!
What is your favorite exercise routine?
I welcome any tips or pointers!
I went to Zumba last night for the very first time, Delores. I Do Not dance well but still had the best time. :) Loved the music!
I meet my neighbor at 7am every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, regardless of the temperature, and we walk 3 miles. It is great therapy, both mental and physical. we talk the entire time and the best part is, exercise is done by 8am! (And when I say regardless of the temp, it was -1 this morning! We've been doing it so long we know exactly what to wear for whatever the temp).
Good luck.
I don't like to exercise either. But I love playing tennis. In the spring, summer and fall I play a couple of times a week. We live in a mountain community and our roads are very hilly, but I still walk at least 3 times a week when we are not having sub zero temps.
My favorite exercise routine is 'napping.' I'm quite good at and I have perfected the art over the years. Ha Ha.
Good luck with your plans to exercise, I think walking is the way to go. And then when you get home from a brisk walk...you can always take a nap!!
I hate exercising, too. I was walking two miles a day until a few months after I started blogging. Then summer before last Bailey and I walked five days a week at the park. Last summer nada. This spring we will get back to it plus I am eating better already.
Good luck!
I detest, deplore, and abhor exercise. (I love to nap!) In fact, at my last physical, the printout they gave me to take home read "Patient admits to no exercise." Like it's a crime! But I know I need to make some changes. Walking sounds good...
The only exercise I get, other than gardening, is walking and I love it. I walk with a friend 2-3 times per week and it's great, we discuss life and I come home refreshed...better than a shrink any day.
Well, I'm reading the comments above and it would seem that most people do NOT like exercise! I hated "sports" in school and growing up: hated with a passion. Then somehow, over time and starting in my late 40's, I got into exercise. I was the very last one who would have thought it!
I love it. I love it with a passion. I lift weights, work with a trainer once a month to brush up and correct, go every other day to the gym: 20 min. on EFX, then 30 min. of weights, machines and combo. What can I say? I am hooked. Then in the summer I add 30 of lap swimming almost every day. I sound like a nut, no? It has been such an important part of my life is what is so surprising! No, I don't/can't wear a two piece or bikini….but oh do I feel good!
Delores, good luck with the new routine. Your cartoons are priceless. I was a runner for many years, then travel interrupted my routine, and then one day I realized I just didn't want to run anymore. I'm a walker at heart, so still do that on a regular schedule. Well, somewhat regular depending on the weather, etc. I can easily make some excuse. Ha!
Have to say that walking is like meditation for me. I love it!
I am loving your Ultimate List 2014!! Keep them coming! Any nudge and motivation is always appreciated. Very best to you in 2014!!
I'm no help because I hate to exercise too - but I did add it to my list of goals for 2014! Good luck to you!...(to both of us!)
Diddly squats - Ha! Five years ago I could barely walk more than 10 minutes. A therapist recommended Pilates so I took private lessons for one year. I figured if it was good enough for injured dancers it would be good enough for me. Ends up I love everything about it. I have since purchased the Stamina AeroPilates Pro XP556 for my home. Love how it builds core strength, stretches, and even has a safe Cardio option...good for old people :) no kidding!
Your ultimate list for 2014 is great…things that most of us need to do as well… I hope you manage to keep them all up :)…xv
Exercising is the #1 hardest thing for me. EVER. EVER. I hate it.
Did I mention I don't like it at all??
Still, I'm joining you in this resolution.
Because, I really have no choice anymore! If I want to feel good about myself I've realised I must work exercising into my daily existence.
End of story.
Wishing us both luck!! Happy New Year, xxSP
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