Monday, October 27, 2014

City Dogs

We aren't the only ones adjusting to city life.  So are the dogs!

Since they can't run in the backyard anymore to get their exercise, we now have to take them to a park or at least one or two walks a day, which is also good for us!

Oscar is fascinated by his new city life.
So many people walking by, so much to see!
He loves to sit on his perch and keep track of it all.

Just down the street is his favorite place to run with Bear off-leash at Marina Green.
I would say the dogs are now officially "City Dogs!"

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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Decorating A Rental

It's been a long time since we have lived in a rental.
We bought our first house 27 years ago and I couldn't wait to paint, wallpaper and just decorate my heart out after years of renting, and now here we are again, in a rental!
The question begs, do I try to make our temporary home my own or just not care?
Can we live with an ugly dining room chandelier that we are constantly hitting our head on?

Can I make peace with the blue walls in the kitchen?
Do I plant flowers?

Do I unpack all my books?
The answer is yes, yes and yes.
I'm making peace with the blue kitchen walls but I unpacked the books because they give me comfort.
I'll definitely plant flowers in the pots outside!
The chandelier?  Well, I'm not sure yet!

I highly recommend taking the effort to make your home your own, even if you are renting.
If the landlord is ok with switching out a light fixture, then by all means do it.
Likewise if you are up to the task of painting walls, and the landlord agrees, then have at it.
Hang your favorite pieces of art.
Just know that you will have to fill those holes later and may even have to paint the walls again when you move out.
It just really depends on what you can live with.

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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Got Tomatoes?

 Got tomatoes?
Well, yes as a matter of fact we do!
Beautiful heirloom tomatoes of yellow, purple and red hues.
This is Caprese season--my favorite way to eat tomatoes.

Insalata Caprese
Slice various colored heirloom tomatoes
Slice mozzarella cheese. I like to use Buffalo Mozzarella
Arrange on a platter, layering tomatoes and cheese
Drizzle with olive oil and a bit of balsamic vinegar
Sprinkle to taste with coarse sea salt and cracked ground pepper
Top with fresh basil, either leaves or diced

You're welcome!
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Monday, October 6, 2014


 I love October!
I think it's my favorite month, particularly because of the grape harvest.

 We picked our grapes finally and I can't believe their beauty.
Huge, heavy clusters of sweet goodness!

Of course Oscar was on had to help!

We filled our harvest basket, and then some.

As we head home from the weekend with our harvest, I'm planning what to do with the fruits of our labor.
The grapes will have to be given away to friends and family this year as there is no time for jelly!
If only I could ship them to you!

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