Friday, July 17, 2020

Our Urban Oasis

 It's been a long time since I've posted, mostly because while sheltering in place there just wasn't much going on.
I found myself staring out the back door and visualizing a garden, like a Victory Garden where we could grow our food while in the midst of this awful pandemic.

I decided to rip up the aggregate concrete in front of the garage and put raised beds there.
Our driveway is too narrow to get a car back there anyway, so why not put the space to good use?

We had just finished the deck, railing and pergola, so the garden would be a continuation of the Urban Oasis project.

The aggregate was replaced with gravel.
This allows for drainage under the raised beds.
Weeds won't be a problem because under the gravel is weed cloth.

Since we got a late start, we purchased mature tomato plants for the remainder of the growing season, along with herbs.

Here is how it looks from the deck.
I have to say, it makes me so happy to see our garden!

I love to sit out on the deck and just appreciate our little oasis.
In the morning, I can putter in the garden.
In the evening, hopefully pick a ripe tomato or two for dinner.

Our gardener Martin cut some bamboo shoots and made tomato cages.

How cool is that?

I've always dreamed of having raised beds to grow our own vegetables. I just didn't think we had the room.  
It took us sheltering in place to make the decision to tear up the driveway and create our own Urban Oasis. 

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Sheila in SF said...

Looks great and good use of space.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I have had raised beds for gardening at all of my homes. I love them. Yours look great!

Anonymous said...

Love it. And so much better than getting on the ground to weed a garden area.

Deborah said...

Your bamboo cages keep everything looking classy!

Makemineaspritzer said...

Loved seeing your new raised beds on Instagram ... what fun to get a closer look. It’s been an interesting time rediscovering our homes and expanding our vision of them. xo

Ron said...

I adore the raised beds. Raised beds are so much easier to work with and in.

Heidi said...

Hi Delores,
This looks so good! I love the gravel, the bamboo cages, the raised planter boxes. The view from your gorgeous deck is splendid!
XO Heidi

Gina said...

A great transformation Delores. Beautiful and practical.

Susan S said...

What a sensible plan and fortuitous that it's a sunny location!

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