Do you pin?
Pinterest, if you don't already know is the extremely popular website that lets you organize all the beautiful things you find on the web in categories called "pinboards."
But before Pinterest, before blogs even, we had decorating magazines.
Remember standing in line at the grocery store and seeing a brand new House Beautiful? How exciting it was? I would splurge, take it home and savor every article!
Then, after several months of studying the magazine, I would tear out my favorite photos and put them in binders.
Those days are gone now, but look what I found while cleaning out the garage!
My old design inspiration binders from the 80's and 90's.
Think of them as my pinboards on Pinterest, "old school style!"
I had binders for Formal Country Houses, Cottages, Log Cabins, Vacation Retreats, Kitchens, Bathrooms and Bedrooms.
I'm so glad I kept them, as it has been fun to go through them and see that a lot of what inspired me then, still inspires me today.
When I put this binder together, I was a young mother of a newborn, a two year old and a ten year old.
Yes I was a busy mom, but still found time to think about creating beautiful rooms.
This was the beginning of a lifelong passion!
I was in love with romantic rooms with floral fabrics.
Traditional Home, June 1990
Tablescapes and table settings, especially with majolica.
I was in love with designers who created rooms that look like they have evolved over time.
Designers like Bunny Williams. Just look at her lovely table here and above with that fantastic paisley linen tablecloth! The colored glassware and more majolica!
I can't tell you how much I studied Bunny's kitchen. I love how organic it is with that pine fireplace and pine island with its "still life with produce" vignette.
She has a passion for pattern. So do I, and still do!
"Mixing prints and patterns is like a painting. You keep trying something, and your eye will tell you whether the color is too light or too strong or whether the pattern is too large. There are no rules..." Bunny said.
House Beautiful, November 1985
I loved this dining room, designed by the Prince of Chintz, Mario Buatta.
Just look at that lantern!
"A well designed room should be put together as a composition--a dab at a time," Mario was quoted as saying.
Decorating, Spring 1988
This gorgeous room with floral slipcovered sofas really spoke to me.
Loved the white paneled walls, and still do.
This living room, in Ron Grimaldi's upstate New York house is still timeless.
He said, "A house should dictate its decoration--with a bit of license to be playful."
I took that to heart!
From my "Cottage Style" binder, I found this room.
Zebra rug, white slipcovers and brown toile. Still works today!
Traditional Home, 1995
Another designer I followed then was Betsy Speert.
I actually copied this table for my teenage daughter!
Of course, the seashell mirror was and is still popular. Betsy actually made it herself!
Coincidentally, I just rediscovered Betsy through her blog here!
You could say that these binders represent my "degree" in interior design!
I learned from the best. Mark Hampton, Bunny Williams, Ron Grimaldi, Mario Buatta, Betsy Speert, Mary Emmerling, Richard FitzGerald and more all taught me about color, pattern and scale. I hung on their every word!
I still find "old school" inspiration from design magazines, even with all the blogs I follow.
Thank goodness Veranda, House Beautiful, Country Living and Traditional Home are still around.
Not to mention, Tuscan Style!
I plan to scan some of these photos to share with you all. I think it is so interesting how design has evolved in the last 25 years and what still remains timeless. In the meantime, if you want to see what is inspiring me in 2012, visit my Pinterest page here.
Great Stuff Delores.
I too, have binders full of old tear outs from magazines dating back through the 90's.
I can definately see that you have fulfilled most of the things on your design wish list. Many of those pages look like they could come directly from your home. I think that's great! I like to look back over some of my old magazine clippings and see where my inspiration has led me.
What fun.
I never did the binders....instead I just hoarded the entire magazine!!! LOL...I remember some of the pics you showed and it brought back memories. I am still drawn to those rooms and find them cozy and charming :o)
You brought back memories, I am still hoarding mags.great post.
"Timeless" is still my style! I have similar notebooks & favor most of the same designers you mentioned....
Oh, more beautiful today than yesterday. The colors are rich and so is all the gorgeous wood.
Just goes to show you that good taste never goes out of style.
I have to say, I still love the smell and feel of paper,
You are soooooooo smart to think that I'm a good designer!!!!!
Thanks for the mention. I love your blog too.
Call me old-fashioned, but I still like to buy my magazines...come home, get a cup of my fave blend, and curl up in my recliner with my fur-baby Ashley. We dive into the pages together...Ashley even picks out faves by putting his paw on the pic...I love this favorite pass-time! Take Care! Hugs
Oh yes I still have my design file and clippings and even a drawer full of magazine pages I tore out. I use to do the same as you, only after studying the entire magazine for hours would I then tear out my favs and let the rest go. I actually still have whole magazines that I have kept. It is fun to go back. My taste have pretty much stayed the same, still love the same style and colors. Fun to see part of your collection, xo Kathysue
So funny, I have a few magazines I kept because of Betsy Speert's work. Things just come full circle sometimes. Thanks for mentioning her blog.
As a model home designer I used to have 10's of binders for everything. I really love Pinterest for that exact reason. It is so great to have a place to keep all of our favorites! Not sure what to do with my old binders?? Should I keep them????
I did the same thing! Of course, because I don't have a left brain in my body, my torn pages were never organized as wonderfully as yours. They just abide in a box.
I have probably said it a dozen times already, but your taste is wonderful.
I used to do style notebooks all the time (had to in design school). Brings back lots of memories.
These were the best years!! The Prince of Chintz. I met Mario Buatta when I was at market. He is delightful!! I enjoyed this post so much. Thank you, Sandra Jensen
I still have my binder too! I had mine divided by rooms, i.e. kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms, etc. I love pinterest now but it was really more fun to find a "tear worthy" photo for my binder. Our styles are so similar I imagine that if I got it out and looked we probably have some of the same pictures in our binders. What a fun post!
I did the same thing and have a huge file of every room I ever thought beautiful and why. I cannot part with them even though dated. I recognized Gretchen Mann's slipcovered sofas. I kept that article too and then followed her through 2 homes afterwards. I can't wait to see what else you found binder worthy. I bet we match! :)
I have binders as well! Funny, I found them a few weeks ago, and was leafing through them. I found it interesting how many of the designs I was still attracted to. Of course color scheme, and certain patterns have changed and become "dated", but even so, much of what I put in my binder are things I would still be happy to live with today! It's fun to look back, isn't it?
FYI, I now am one of your newest followers, I'm following through beedburner.
I meant feedburner!
Timeless! I have about 5 of these and when trying to consolidate after all these years I find I still love the same things I did years ago. Nice to find a kindred soul. Love the florals
I would do that too and have found that my tastes have changed a bit. I think much of that is dictated by your surroundings though.. Then I went to scanalog- a program that scans all your items and you can sort and search by keywords.. great idea.. until you change a computer and the files don't transfer.. bummed out.. Now I have pinterest.. Love your pictures, I hope you will show more.. xo marlis
Love the old clippings. I was startled to see some of the same clipping that I have in binders. It's a walk down memory lane....
I also loved Diamond Baratta in addition to Mario Buatta.
This was a great post! I, too, have binders & continue to use them because I still get lots of magazines. A lot of my more current ones hold more things involved with scrapbooking & quilt-making, but I still do a lot of the interior inspiration, too. In the 80's & early 90's, I worked in a small interior design shop in Scottsdale, AZ, where I not only got to help pull rooms together for customers, but also create a lot of the pieces. I then moved on to own & operate my own workroom where I created all kinds of lovelies. That was at a time when so many customers were wanting anywhere from 5 to 10 different mixes of prints in a room & lots & lots of ruffles, double ruffles, & cording. It was really a fun time for the creative juices. Thanks for sharing this, it was fun to reminisce.
I still have my old notebook someplace, I was looking for it last week so a girlfriend and I could look through it . I have page after page I tore out of magazines . I call it my project book
Great post Delores, the pink binders are wonderful!
xo kelley
Wow, I JUST came from Betsy's blog. And then you mention her here. I sure wish there were blogs when I was a young bride. I couldn't even afford magazines back then:):) So, I had to "fly by the seat of my pants" in decorating. But I knew what I liked and if I couldn't afford it, Joe and I tried to make it! Your style is so beautiful. I love everything you do. And, I do follow you on Pinterest. XO, Pinky
I rue the day that I tossed all my design magazines in a moving frenzy. How wonderful that you found all your old binders. They are a treasure.
Come by and see Hutton Wilkinson's new house in 90210--I love it.
I have dozens of binders too, Delores! I think mine go back to the late 90's. It is fun to go back through them....sometimes I see a page and think.... now WHY on earth did I save THIS!!!!
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