Monday, April 23, 2012

White Flowers

Today I bring you white!
White flowers in the garden are my mainstay, and they are looking good right now.

The first white "Iceberg" rose.
I wish I could freeze my garden this time of year.
It is certainly at its best from now until June.

Does anyone know the name of this bush?
It came with the house and I've never figured out what it is.

The "Fielder's White" azaleas are magnificent.
I highly recommend this azalea.

Bacopa spilling out of the window box.

Erigeron, or Santa Barbara Daisy is another favorite.
It just keeps on giving.

It's a very exciting week.
I'll be in the garden planting and weeding while the kitchen cabinets are being painted!

Pin It!


AntiqueChase said...

I love white flowers. My last house I only had pink flowers... all shades of pink roses..ONLY pink...

Then we moved and this house had ONLY white.. everything was white! I love it! For 2 years, I didn't stray from the white only mature landscape... but recently, I did decide to {cheat} and put in a side cutting garden where I have my pink roses once again...

The flower you can't identify.. my mom is a Master Gardener and reads your blog.. I'm sure she will be able to help..

Tricia Rose Rough Linen said...

Your mystery plant doesn't look waxy enough to be a pittisporum -is it scented Delores?

Marlis said...

I did mainly white flowers last year and it was soo pretty outside. This year, husband wanted I gave riotous red! Your whites look lovely.. xo marlis

Betty said...

The flowers look so lovely. I like a white garden. Our weather has turned cold so will have to wait to work in our garden.

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

The Iceberg rose is magnificent. I thought we southerners had the market cornered on beautiful azaleas, but yours is a strong contender. I also love white in a garden. Thanks for sharing your lovely spring whites with us today.

Terri~terrileeauthor said...

I have an all white garden in my courtyard off the master bedroom. It's calming and tranquil. I love the color scheme of green and white in the garden.But then I have my pinks/raspberry in another section of my yard, so I can have it all. ha ha.
I love your iceberg roses, and your bee skeps.
I bet you're so excited to get your cabinets painted. I know I am!!! LOL

Kifus said...

Ahh white flowers! My favourite! I have a potted white azalea in my living room and I can't help but smile every time I see it!

A lovely post as usual Delores, thanks!

Sarah said...

Delores, your whites are glorious! I tend to concentrate white in our garden too, with an added pop of color at times. This spring, I've added in some purple. ;-)

La Maison des Plaines said...

Omg! your flowers are sooooo beautiful! I love white too. They look amazing in contrast to the green foliage. Very Nice!

The Iceberg Rose is breathtaking!

Thank you! for sharing.

Have a great week!

Blessings & Hugs,

The enchanted home said...

Though I love all flowers, have to say I have really soft spot for white flowers, something about them, makes me feel so happy!

Splenderosa said...

OMG, this is glorious! But, where you live isn't everything glorious? I love white flowers too. I also love your photography. xx's Marsha

LaPouyette said...

Hello Dolores,
I'm pretty sure that your white flowering shrub (which came with the house) is a Choisya, common name: Mexican Orange, evergreen with a lovely kind of 'orangy' scent.
Hope that helps you.

Very lovely and refreshing post with wonderful images!

Greetings from the PĂ©rigord,

Babs said...

Delores, Your white flowers are gorgeous, and I haven't a clue about the one that came with your house. It doesn't look like anything I've seen here in GA. :) I have quite a few white flowers in my yard. They always seem so fresh and cool during the heat of Summer. Love your bee skeps, too.

naif said...

Delores dear..nonetheless..your garden is a nature's treasure.. all of them are my favourite, but the most is azalea..wish i can visit your garden someday! =)

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