Is there was such a thing as Dishaholics Anonymous? Well there should be for people like me!
I need another plate like I need a hole in the head and vowed to not buy any more in 2012.
So what do I do? I buy more plates!
When I found these cute little majolica salad plates on Ebay, I didn't even think about where I am going to store them.
Geez, it's only mid-January and that resolution is out the window!
Readers email me a lot, asking, "where do you keep it all?"
Well, here are a few places....
As you can see, I'm running out of room!
Storage is a big problem.
Here is my wedding china and some Belleek passed down from Mr. A's family.
Now I'm storing them to be passed down someday to our children.
There are drawers underneath the banquette bench in the breakfast room.
Perfect for chargers, place mats and tablecloths.
The glassware.
Red, purple and green wine hocks and water glasses.
More of the same....
I'm really only showing the tip of the iceberg. These are just the organized cupboards.
There are dishes stashed in drawers and cupboards, in the garage and the laundry room.
Wouldn't it be great to have one big china closet to store it all like Bunny Williams has?

That way, it can all be seen at once, making it easy to plan how you're going to set the table.
She has everything at the ready on these shelves to create her table centerpieces.
My idea of heaven!
Somehow I think having this kind of storage would be dangerous for a dishaholic like me.
My name is Delores and I'm a dishaholic!
Joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.
I love the last photo and would like to have every piece sitting on those shelves!
I had a lot of china until recently (largely from Bloomingdale's sample sales). I gave a ton away to the Salvation Army - not enough space and stuff was rarely used. I would love a cabinet/storage area like the pics above. It is great to be able to pass down heirlooms to the next generation.
I had a good chuckle reading this-- how many glorious dishes I have passed up because there are no more places to stash them--the BOOKS take all available space.
You know I looove your dishes!!! Your table set are always my favorite!!
Funny post Delores!
My name is Pinky and I am a dishaholic too!!! I, too, have dishes stashed EVERYWHERE!!!! Kitchen, 2 pantries, under beds, in closets it is crazy but I would give anything for a dish ROOM, like Bunny has!!!!! A slice of Heaven indeed!!! I actually have alot of my dishes in boxes so have to UNPACK when I do a table then pack them back up!!!!!!!!!! It is a royal PIA:):):) Have a great day, Delores! XO, Pinky
Oh I agree~I would kill to have a dish room like Bunny~alas we will just have to keep stuffing and stacking our things I guess. Love the majolica!
My name is marlis and I'm a dishaholic. I too vowed not to buy one more dish this year.. well last Saturday, yes January the 14th. 14 days into the new year. 14 days of resolute idea gone! OKL had a sale. I caved. Lenox Holiday Tartan was on sale... what's a girl to do? Back to therapy this week..
Your organization is fabulous. So many pretty cupboards for your pretties. You do need to check out have a blessed day. xo marlis
The new plates are far too good a find to pass up. I am a bit of a dishaholic too, I have always thought that a butlers pantry would be a wonderful solution, but that is only in my dreams.
Delores, you have such beautiful dishes that it would have been hard to pass up any of those! Don't feel bad, though. Did you see Alycia's post yesterday at Tabletwentyone? Wow!
Yup! I always wonder what in the world I was thinking, usually, within hours of making a New Year's resolution!
Delores! You are one lucky woman, you know!!!=]
It is so fun to peek into your storage and Bunny Williams' dish pantry just melts me away! Two years ago, my mom, sister and I went to Newport, RI to see the 'summer cottages' of the Gilded Age millionaires. (Vanderbilt, etc.) They had butler's pantries that were two stories high - like a library, in fact. INCREDIBLE!
and do you know what I got for Christmas - ALL that I got for Christmas? a new computer and six dishes. True story!!!!
My husband has been calling me a "plate-aholic" for 36 years now! Once I carried plates home on my LAP from Russia!
I'm a dishaholic too! Really thought I was the only one. It's nice to see there are others in this club! I love you're blog. We're kindred spirits in numerous ways it seems.
I had to grin when I read the title, I knew exactly what you were going to show us and I am so glad that you did!! You are not alone in this love of dishes, although I will admit you have a bigger collection than I do, but that is only because there is no more room at my INN!! I love to see all of your pretties lined up like little soldiers, it makes me smile!
xo Kathysue
PS love your new little soldiers!!
I am glad to know I'm not the only one. Plates and platters come home with me too, on my lap from England, France, and Italy! How can I go to the Disneyland of pottery and fine china and come home empty handed? I cannot so I think it makes me a dishaholic too…………
The French Hutch
I loved the post. Very organized china cabinets! I noticed the American by fostoria cake pedestals you have. Would it indicate my level of dish collecting mania if I said I can seat 24 in the American fostoria pattern and have four sizes of plates a d four types of goblets? Ummm yeah and have about 13 patterns of antique western china. Now I dont collect as much as I used to because with a four year old and a two year old things are a little too dangerous around the dinner table - haha! Loved a glimpse into your dishes! Very fun!
Yours looks so neat. Mine is spilling out all over the place. Great pieces and your storage is wonderful. Hugs, marty
I sorta made such a resolution myself, but quickly broke my resolve when I saw four darling plates on sale at Anthropologie. I wish for wonderful storage such as you have. A butler's pantry is on my dream list. ;-)
Fun to see your photos. Looks as if you have great storage areas. The drawers under the banquette are perfect for chargers and placemats. With little storage space left, I've gone to using the closets in the guest rooms. Guess you better sign me up for Dishaholics Anonymous.
Love your new majolica plates! ~ Sarah
*** Of course I must "DITTO" you, Ms. "DELORES with the DISHES"~~~ BUNNY simply needs to come to OUR houses, n' custom design yummmmmy storage for our DELISH DISHES, huh??? So, will you call her for us, sweet pal???
Linda in AZ *
Oh my gosh ... that is my idea of heaven to have so many plates, so nicely organised ....
Great post! It would be fantastic to have a storage/staging area for all things table. I too love dishes, and I so enjoy seeing your collection.
I MADE myself walk away from some Friendly Village plates at an antique store last week. I'm trying so hard to be good!
Your dishes and glassware are to die for! Whatever you do, don't stop sharing pics! :-)
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery haha :) That having been said, you do NEED all of them for the blog, of course! Right? Right?
Hi Delores!
I would have grabbed those dishes too! I love majolica.
I have also picked up a few pieces this year... something for Valentines :)
Love to browse your blog!
xoxo Bunny Jean
Yes, yes, I need to join that organization, too. I am actually about to install all shelves in a guest room closet for more china storage. The problem is that it will not be large enough to hold it all. If I had an extra bedroom, I would convert it to a walk in pantry.
Delores, I was wondering how the heck you stored all your beautiful dishes! I am a glassware-aholic myself and have also vowed- no more collecting! But, as soon as I enter an antique store, thrift store, or any kind of store, my "eye" goes right for the glasses and dishes before my brain can say "No"! You got me started looking for Johnson Bros. and now my "eye" can always spot it a mile away! Let me know if you decide to have a garage sale. I'll be sure to take some of those things you've run out of room for off your hands!! Cindy D.
you never have enough dishes :-) beautiful collection!
Join me up for the dishaholic meetings. I will bring dessert. :)
Its a disease I got from my Mama. I just can't help myself. I have almost decided that I don't really need that extra guest room. I envision it with shelves like Bunny's filled with all my plates, glasses and assorted goodies. Besides, we have a nice Marriot right down the road. :)
Blessings, Barb
That is one of the funniest and most beautiful posts I have seen together in awhile. Go Dish Collectors!
OK, I confess; I also am a dishaholic. This Christmas, one of my favorite gifts was three Minton Tiffany dishes to add to my collection. Here is what I am doing to solve the storage problem...I am renovating my kitchen AND turning a portion of my laundry room into a butler's pantry. I hope it will provide all the room I need to have all the dishes together, at least for a while. I KNOW!!! I am putting my old kitchen cabinets into the garage. Maybe I will have some storage for "overage" out there? (By the way, I own the sister to your majolica leaf plates. Mine is a double-leaf plate with a handle. I also have virtually all of your glass compotes.)
XOXO Victoria
Well, you know I loved this post, Delores! Pretty dishes just need to go to homes where they will be appreciated. You had to save them! lol Storage does get to be a problem. I can't show mine because I have bunches under the beds! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie
Oh, Delores ---
You really must see Alycia Nichols' newest post on her dish disease. It makes you and me look like a beginner in the collecting department. She even has every dish and napkin ring catalogued. She KNOWS how many, many, many sets of placemats she has! She is a delight and you really must see this post. Go to Tablescapes at Table Twenty-One on Wordpress. You will find that you have nothing to confess!!!
Linda @ A Toile Tale
Love this post and I am sad to say that I too belong in dishaholics anonymous :) And might as well throw me in for the silver and glass group too....its a total addiction with no end in sight.
I love all of your beautiful storage, especially that huge functional drawer under your beautiful banquette. How clever!
Hey these things make us happy, are our 'vice" of choice and it could be a lot worse. So as far as I am concerned, I am happy there is no end in sight because as long as they are used and enjoyed.....its too much fun!
I feel your pain and have vowed that the next house will have a bedroom I can use only for storage. I'd also like to know why don't they make square plastic boxes to store plates? Something stackable, unlike cloth storage
I guess I'll be in dish re-hab with YOU!!
The photos made me giggle... I have those Friendly Village Christmas dishes too! I started collecting them when I was16. Most girls wanted a new set of hot rollers, not me.. I wanted a serving piece for my set as gift at christmas...
I understand, I have your back, or shall I say dish!
I've always thought that if I ever built a house, I would build the White House china room first and then build the rest of the house around it...absolutely not kidding! I've slowed down the purchasing, but can't pretend that I'm stopping. I have your Bordallo leaf plates, too...and I noticed the cabbage leaf plates in your cupboard. I'm a dishaholic, and I'm having a ball1 Cherry Kay
Lots of dishaholics here! I not only collect beautiful plates, I also collect broken ones. With the broken pieces, I have covered picture frames, cement birdbaths, birdhouses, etc. It's called pique assiette and it's been around for ages. Thanks for sharing photos of all of your beautiful dishes, Delores.
Hello, my name is Pat...and believe me, Sister...I hear you!!! "Mr. Ed" is always saying .."NO,No more dishes!" and yet it seems every excursion, a dish (or two) finds it way home with us. We eat from them...all of them. Does that count? I adore your newest finds on e~bay. Serve Mr. A a nice salad or dessert on them. Love what you have and use them!
P.S. If you find yourself having the urge to buy more dishes, dear don't call me...cause if you leave them behind...I may rush out to scoop them up! Ha!
After seeing the stashes of dishes today on TT, I won't have to check into dish rehab. I thought I was an addict but not now!!! Wow!!! I have been more particular about what I buy the past couple years, only buying porcelain, no pottery. I always have put separators between my plates to protect them from dish rub in stacking to maintain the value in case I do have to sell everything, as face it, we have serious money invested here, gals. Well, my husband will be relieved when he reads the links I sent him of what all of you have in your stash. When I no longer get the thrill of acquiring incredible porcelain, I'll be dead. I keep saying my next house will have more storage!!! Okay, I'm under control now. How fun. no fair! You didn't show all the places that aren't "display" areas. Come on...fess up! It's OK. There, there now. It's OK. :-) When I first saw Bunny Williams' storage for her dishes, I just about fainted! My husband just doesn't know how lucky he is that I haven't just gone hog wild up in here! :-) Your dishes and other "playthings" are beautiful, and I would kill or die for that under-banquette storage! It's funny how we were rowing the same boat on different rivers this week! I think the smart thing to do...and all husbands should readily agree to to have one house for living in, and one house for nothing but storing our dishes and other toys! Genius, huh? :-)
How could you pass up those dishes? Your dishes are amazing! I wish someone in our family had collected Belleek but nobody does - it's so beautiful.
Every time we've downsized sets of dishes have been given away because storage is a problem. I don't want a big house anymore but I would love a big dish cupboard! Do you ever worry about them when there are little shakers? It's the first thing I check!
Hi! My name is Cathy and I am a DISHAHLOIC <;) This week my husband was looking for new checks and when he looked where they use to be he only found plates and more plates. I said nothing but went and found what he needed. I think definitely makes me a DISHAHLOIC. I did reframe from buying the cutes salad yesterday (but can't forget them) got to pay for a wedding. So here’s to all other DISHAHOLIC WHEN IS THE MEETING.I do love all your beautiful dishes.
Your wedding china is beautiful and I love your colored wine hocks. I think all of us dishaholics have a dream storage area. Mine includes staff!!!!! ;-)
Oh well...that wasn't a very fun resolution anyway! Glad you are still with us (does this make me an enabler????)
Oh yes! I feel your pain. I wonder if there will soon be a 12 step program. I think I've completely run out of storage and spaces to "hide" my stash now....I'll have to give up something before I can get anything new (although I've said that before too!) Love your pretty new little dishes. I keep telling myself that my four grandgirls will want all this someday....I hope so....either that or I'll have a heck of a yard sale one day.
I had a friend who had multiple sets of dishes and was still collecting (I'm starting to become that way, too). The funny thing about her is that she didn't cook. She said she could just go get some food and bring it back to the house and then she could make it look good on those plates. I have to say, she did set a pretty table.
Does that mean I am a dishaholic in the making? Because I get (and want) all your leftovers!
Glad someone in our family will want my leftovers Melissa! Otherwise, it's gonna be a huge estate sale when I'm gone! Love, Mom
I think I need some more dishes!! How fun to play with all these gorgeous dishes! Fun Fun
My Name is Kate, and I am a dishaholic. My motto is, as long and I use them and storing doesn't cause a fire hazard, I'm good.
I am very quickly running out of storage spots.
You. Are. Not. Alone.
hello. my name is debra and i'm a dishaholic too. if you decide to start a chapter of DA i'd like to be a charter member. my only problem? i'm not really interested in being rehabilitated. ;-)
Oh, I really loved seeing all the great photos you included! You have a marvelous collection. I really NEED those banquette drawers for my linens! And your colored glassware is swoon-worthy!
My name is Kelly and I am a dishaholic. I can seat 130 adults eating off of real plates. I store most of them on a bookshelf in the laundry room - the shelf wobbles slightly and my heart beats faster, imagining that all of the dishes might come crashing down at once. And then I am cheered by the thought that I would be able to buy all new dishes...
Dish-a-holics unite! You've got some fabulous storage, Seeing all of your stemware lined up is fabulous. You can never have too many dishes!
- The Tablescaper
LOL! I've been an active member of DAA since I was first married some 39 years ago. There is no cure and as a result I can only say how comforting it is to know there are many of us...I agree with unite!
Karen at Garden, Home and Party
Hello: My name is Lana. I'm a dishaholic, too.
Sister, you have found your people. I made the same resolution, but then found white ceramic figs and tomatoes at Williams-Sonoma for 75% off, and they had to come home with me! The majolica plates are a must-have. Looking forward to seeing more of your inspired designs. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend. ~CJ
My name is Linda and I'm a dishaholic. Thanks for the laugh. Hey, buying dishes is harmless. Who is it hurting? And of course you (and myself) don't NEED more dishes, but we want it, and we get it.
I've come to the realization, though, that I don't need six or eight of everything, sometimes two or four is enough.
I store all my "additional...seldom used...but gotta have" for it.........
Home Depot Orange Paint Buckets... ;-0)
They stack neatly....I only go 3 high...and you can label them with a photo copy of the china...
So...Keep Shopping my fellow Dishaholics!! There is always room...
Auburn, AL
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