"People are terrified of their own taste. They think they're going to do something wrong. So they would prefer to replicate something they have already seen instead of creating something of they're own that's fluid and organic." ~ Michael S. Smith
Cote de Texas
When I first saw this backsplash, I thought "how beautiful, how original, how brave!"
Imagine the courage it took to say, "I want a map of Paris behind my stove!"
I don't think I'm that brave. But the quote by Michael S. Smith made me think of all the design choices I've made that weren't exactly popular or trendy, but I just knew it was what I wanted anyway.
Still, it's easy to doubt your design decisions for fear of making a costly mistake.
Five years ago, I just had to add bullion fringe to my sofa. When I couldn't find what I wanted anywhere, the sales person told me that it's because no one uses bullion fringe anymore.
It's funny, that's when I became more confident in my decision to add the fringe!
Although not an original idea, when I had a leopard runner installed on the stairs, I'll admit it took some design courage. No one that I knew had leopard carpeting. Yet.
I have never regretted my decision, even though it might be too cliché now.
Know what you love and embrace it, even if it's not trendy.
I still love majolica, even though you rarely see it featured in magazines and blogs anymore.
It's easy to have self doubt with all the bloggers out there and their influence.
Not to mention Pinterest!
So if you're afraid to paint your walls a color that you love, or not feeling brave enough to create the home that reflects your unique style, just do it anyway! Don't listen to others....
Be brave. Be creative.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes..." ~Scott Adams
wise words and beautiful photos.
thank you for the inspiration.
Trendy or not - I love both the fringe and the leopard carpeting. I agree. Avoiding trends takes more courage than going with the flow. Hope you have a great weekend. Blessings, Barb
I'm with you- I say go for what you love! I also have a hassock with the bullion trim around its base and I love it as much now as I did 8 years ago when I purchased it. LOVE the map of Paris behind the stove. I hope you have a wonderful weekend- xo Diana
Great post and I love majolica and am on the hunt for more.
Love this and love the message. Yes at times I have thought outside the box myself and in fact almost always loved the end result of the chances that I took. I tend to not follow trends but do what I love but admittedly at times have been reluctant, getting braver and more confident though as I get older! Can I just tell you how much I LOVE your leopard runner and bullion fringe! GORGEOUS!!
I like the fringe and the majolica. I have a lot of things that I love that isn't always the trend. I do see some of my taste becoming trendy but after the trend I will still be love'n it. Sometimes I follow and sometimes I want to be the leader, even if it means being a one man band. LOL
Bravo! This is such a great message and one we need to hear... especially bloggers.
The bullion fringe is spectacular and such a huge statement.
xo Yvonne
Hi D! You post goes hand in hand with my post today!! I so agree with everything you said here. That is why it is soooo important to really be in tune with what you truly love, not what is a trend or a passing phase. You are so consistent in your taste and design aesthetic I can almost tell it is one of your pins even before I see your name on Pinterest!! So beautifully DELORES!! xo Kathysue
I am definitely a rebel as far as trends go! If everyone is going white, I will go the opposite direction. If everyone is painting furniture-- I will strip it. I have always loved everything you do because it looks rich, warm, inviting and like things have been passed down, but still so current and fresh. You inspire me because you are not like everyone else, and it's refreshing and beautiful.
Bless you Delores! I so agree. I keep seeing so many bland, lifeless rooms these days. I get excited when I see a room (and I mean room, not "space", a word I am so tired of) decorated with personality and interesting collections,etc. Also, I mean it when I say if you ever get rid of that green velvet couch, I'd be thrilled to take it off your hands!
Bravo!!! I could not agree with you more walk to the beat of your own
drummer just do with style.
Delores, I love the message of this post! Your style is exquisite! ~ Sarah
L.O.V.E. this post!! My motto is "trust your gut, trust your gut, trust your gut" It's when I don't listen to my gut that I make mistakes. I had a Chinese red study in Dallas. Had it when it was in-style, kept it when it went out-of-style and then watched as it came back around!! Your choices were wonderful, so glad you listened to your gut:)
p.s. Dan loved hearing that you saw Linda and that she remembered him!
Yes, be confident in your own choices. If you love now, you'll love it in the future. If you take the easy way out and just buy things that are on trend, you will soon tire of them. I have pieces in my home that I've had for years. And I love them as much today and when I first bought them. You can always find ways to make your style seem fresh and current.....but if you stay true to your style...you will always be happy.
I've loved majolica for years but don't own any - yet LOL Yours is beautiful colors! I think whatever we decorate with that we love, feeds our soul and makes us happy. I'm all for it!
Right on; ignore the trends and use what you love and you will indeed always be happy; have a great weekend~
I agree wholeheartedly! And, I love your carpet and fringes! The majolica has always been a fave of mine! Thanks for sharing a part of your home with us. Hugs
Hi Delores!
Well that salesperson was not a designer... a designer knows how to work with what a CLIENT wants. Salespeople try to sell what they have on hand or can easily get.
I have majolica and love it! I always enjoy it when you show it in your posts.
Now as far as design courage... I need a good dose of that right now! I have been so overwhelmed by too many choices and styles... I really to settle down a bit and decide what makes ME happy!
xoxo Bunny Jean
Bravo! Excellent. So many people are afraid to follow their instincts and decorate the way they want.
This is such a great post....you are such an inspiration :o)
Love the post. I did one similar last summer about my Blue Willow. I totally agree. I get VERY tired of the "trends", but never tired of what I really love. And you....well your taste is just impeccable! Lori Lucas
You are so right!
- The Tablescaper
I so agree that we should do what makes us happy and not follow trends. I know what I like and what I don't like. My home has to be comfortable for US. XO, Pinky
Wonderful Post! We do our own thing and wait for the rest of the world to catch up.. :)
There are no Mistakes in art
Love this post!
I do what I want to do in my home and that is whatever makes ME happy and not the latest design. Yes, I am inspired by some of the latest designs but I know what my style is and I stay with it because when I am home, I am HAPPY!!
I love the Paris map idea, I just blogged a few weeks ago how much I love the one I put in my office!
I have been pondering design decisions, your blog is timely....I will follow my instinct!
Amen, sister! I like walking to the beat of a different drum!
What a great post! That's one reason I like your house - it doesn't look like every other blog.
*** FIRST of all Delores, you KNOW I "fell in like" with your home the very first time I saw it!!! Annnnd, it only took me TWO MORE MINUTES to just L*O*V*E it all to PIECES!!!
Just ONE of the MANY reasons I DID fall in love with your home(s) (besides the magnificent exterior and settings!) is that it does NOT look like EVERONE else's... it has that "VERY special warmth", comfort and a feeling of love and joy in the... The fact that it just "WORKS", for all of you, speaks VOLUMES, and the SHEER BEAUTY of it all is soooooo sumptuous!!!
Lastly Delores, you have designed with ALL YOUR HEART A*N*D TALENTS, creating uber nice "everything"...
Blessings to all of you, m' friend!
Linda (in AZ *)
*** OH YES, and I FORGOT (that's "old age" showing its power over me, I guess!) to tell you how MUCH I ABSOLUTELY L*O*V*E*D that UBER-UBER-MAGNIFICENT the TABLE SETTING in the last posting... All that PURPLE CRYSTAL, so superby blending in with all the whites, was breathtaking!!!
XO, Linda *****
I very seldom decorate according to what is 'in', most of it will be out in a few years, so why spend all that money...I decorate to please myself, not because someone tells me what's in or not. I still can't see the fascination with burlap, it is coarse, itchy and reminds me too much of opening stinky grain sacks for the chickens 40 years ago!
I do like that leopard runner, though...
I agree with you Delores. It is liberating to enjoy what you like and not let the designers make you feel badly. Thank you for expressing this so well.
Your homes are lovely in every way and you have superb taste!
The leopard runner is fabulous. I have a leopard rug in the master bathroom and I love it.
You are the most fearless designer I know!!!! You talked me into a chocolate brown dining room with leopard print chair coverings and cushions and leopard print crystal chandelier shades....still loving it!
I totally agree with you, Delores. Who wants what everyone else has anyway? I say follow your bliss. I am in love with majolica and the ones you have on display are really special. Have a great weekend.
XO Victoria
I couldn't agree more and you said it so eloquently.
What a great reminder to all of us. It's easy to have self doubt when you visit the many creative women on various blogs and Pinterest, don't get me started. I appreciate your inspiration and will try to remember it the next time I wonder if the idea I have will work.
If we all only copy what the magazines show....or make us feel we should have to be "with it"....than where is individuality and creativity? I like when a home really reflects an owners loves and life (as yours does)! So I really appreciated this post! By the way, I love your leopard stairs and majolica collection!
I put bullion fringe on a sofa about 12 years ago. I didn't know that it had gone out of style. I do know that my Jane Churchill dining room is hopelessly dated according to Phoebe Howard because it is red. I matched the red parts in my Royal Crown Derby Imari China. I think certain classic things Never go out of style. And who cares anyway? I don't have that many fashion arbiters going in and out of my house on a regular basis, so I am usually safe from criticism. How about some predictions of what might become new again? Butler's tray coffee tables? Cobbler's bench coffee tables? Those convex mirrors came back. How about drum tables? Ann
Hi Delores, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
I love this post!
I am kinda sorry that people are afraid to do what they love!
CZ Guest was one of the chicest women, (in my opinion) of the twentieth century. She had the most divine and elegant house in the world....("Templeton")
and had leopard carpet everywhere.....it is "dog proof"!
Bunny Williams; a friend; (and I am such an admirer); has leopard dog beds and dog blankets everywhere...
They are chic and dog-proof!
This is what real style is all about! No wonder there was a dog on those stairs!
Elsie de Wolfe (america's first "decorator" LOVED leopard carpet!! It has never been "out"! Since the day it was invented!
Bravo! Buy what you love!
Thank you for this post, Delores! Yes, I have brass all over my house, and it's not going anywhere! I love it and it looks right here. When I renovated my first house's kitchen long ago, I installed a backsplash over the cooktop with a hand painted floral wreath on white tile. I loved it. The designer had a fit. A few years later, that sold my house when another woman came in and had to have it. I always am sorry to see one of my interests in decorating become mainstream, because then I look like I am following a fad, and we know what happens next. The fad fades. Love your style! Linda
Delores - I'm so glad that you posted on this subject. When I first started reading blogs, I would look around my own house and think, "I need to throw everything out and start over." My house is full of majolica, Staffordshire, Oriental rugs, transferware, old bamboo tables, old brass candlesticks, botanical prints and lots of tartan. I wasn't seeing too much of these things on blogs and felt like my house was looking like my eighty-five year old grandmother lived here. Thank goodness, I realized that I needed to decorate for myself and keep what made me happy. Your post helped to reinforce this idea!
Just in case the last commenter decides to go ahead.......I am first in line!
And I would have been....and I was...the first in line...
this "Granny" looking things......divine....and very expensive today!
Great Post! Bravo!
Just in case the last commenter decides to go ahead.......I am first in line!
And I would have been....and I was...the first in line...
this "Granny" looking things......divine....and very expensive today!
Great Post! Bravo!
I LOVE and ADORE my Majolica collection. And although as you stated you never see it featured at all anymore...for "we" that love it....we appreciate it and the trouble we went to find each beautiful peice that adorn our walls...
Thank you for posting this photo of it....:o)
Nice to see someone else loves it as I do....
Majolica has never gone "out of style" Never.
"fashion" is a different word.
It is irrelevant in good design.
Style is forever.
Majolica has never gone "out of style" Never.
"fashion" is a different word.
It is irrelevant in good design.
Style is forever.
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