Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mobile Blogging

Four days in the country without the Internet is good for the soul, but I'm getting "itchy" blog fingers!
So, sitting with my dogs and a cup of coffee this morning, I remembered the mobile blogging app on my phone. 

"Testing, one two three testing," let's see if it actually works!   

Vignette Design will return to its normal posting tomorrow!

How was your holiday weekend?
Pin It!


vignette design said...

Yea I knew it wouldn't work all that well. The second photo didn't show!

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

Well it worked pretty good, one pic not showing is not bad. At least you got a little bit of a blogging fix :)

Teresa@magazineyourhome said...

By the way, those pooches are adorable!

Thehouseofhampton said...

First photos great. Even for the camera shy!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Great job. I havn't tried the phone, but I have tried a post from my Ipad. It works, but really not all that easy. You did good. Hugs, Marty

D. Jean Quarles said...

Well done. I shall remember that.

Betsy Speert said...

You are out of your tiny mind!
The dogs are cute, though.....
What was the second picture?

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Well at least you tried it out. I haven't even been brave enough to try it. LOL

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