Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Turkeys are Back!

A new flock of turkeys have moved in to our country house in Asti. They are young and hang together like a bunch of teenagers. I counted about ten of them.

They have a habit of hanging out in front of every door of the house, pecking on the glass to get in, and they poop on the porch too. I'm not amused....
So, I chased them off the porch and down the driveway.

I'm hoping they get the message that they aren't welcome.
Until Thanksgiving that is. Shhhhh, Number One Son has plans to cook one....!

See this and other outdoor photography at Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer.

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savvycityfarmer said...

hadn't thought much about thanksgiving yet ....

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

We see wild turkeys roaming around our area. Last year I slowed down to look at them and one of them chased my car! Being from Los Angeles. When I first saw wild turkeys here in NC(several years ago), I thought they were someone's pet! LOL!

Vanessa said...

Hi! I just found your blog through Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer and I just want you to know how incredibly beautiful I think it all is! I am in awe! I think my house wants to be your house when it grows up! Thank you for sharing your inspiration and I can't wait to sit down with a cup of coffee and go through your previous posts.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Delores, that is too funny except for the poop you have to clean up. We had a wild turkery and a fawn in our backyard a few years ago and took pictures of them together.

The Inspired Nest said...

I know your not amused with their special treats they leave, but my husband would die for them to be on our property (nasty hunter that he is!)! Your pics are gorgeous!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

well, at least you got some great photos of them before you ran them off! they look so funny walking down the drive - almost look like they are laughing, as they make plans to return immediately and poop all over the patio! laurie

a quiet life said...

too bad you chase them off, they keep the rattlesnakes away~

vignette design said...

Rattlesnakes? Really? Here turkey, turkey, turkey!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I've had fun reading your comments tonight! Everyone seems to be enjoying the turkeys! I had no idea they would keep rattlesnakes at bay. I love your response to that piece of news! Laurie's comment is hilarious...and so true!

Great post Delores!


Christie said...

Delores, this is so funny! We see an occasional turkey, but not a flock! I was waiting to see the last picture of roast turkey...hee hee! I love your blog and wanted to tell you that I showed my uncle your fishing post where your husband went to New Zealand to fish! He lives in Georgia...while we were visiting, he mentioned wanting to do this! I said, well let me show you some pictures! I think it inspired him to get his golf/fishing buddies together! Everything is always so beautiful here...you inspire me! three pixie lane

Lori E said...

Gobble, gobble.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Delores,

Where were the dogs? Wonder if they would run them off as well. This is a great blog about some unusual sights of nature. Never mind them leaving a business card for you!
Extraordinary images and indeed hilarious as they plant their feet in a funny way... you caught it right!

Greetings from Georgia/USA


Heidi said...

Oh, that's bad. I don't think they will taste good, they are too scraggly! We get a few here -three or less, but they crack me up. I love to hear them gobble, gobble to each other. Still, I would not enjoy turkey droppings on my deck, the broom would come out for sure, and maybe I'd turn ferocious Maggie on them (ha, she'd want to play with them!).

Jacqueline said...

Way fun to see the turkeys run....crazy things aren't they.

Lindy said...

Poo or not, perhaps you should feed them to fatten them up for thanksgiving! Glad you were able to get so many photos of them. Those are great!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Debby, I just found your lovely blog! We used to see wild turkeys at our old house a lot. It's funny, I always seemed to see them around Thanksgiving. Look forward to visiting you more! xo

Stephanie said...

That's so cool how you can see animals all around you. Sometimes I see coyotes in my backyard! :O

The-Countrypolitan said...

Love the photos... hope they put a little meat on their bones before Thanksgiving... ~Terri

Linda said...

We don't have turkeys here...I first saw wild turkeys in Zion National Park when we took a trip to Utah. I loved them, but that's because I didn't have to clean up after them:)

http://nannykim-nannykim.blogspot.com/ said...

They are everywhere! My SIL who lives in NJ not far from ground zero had a bunch this week....of all places!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Are they protected or are you allowed to catch one for Thanksgiving?

Light and Voices said...

Gobble, gobble....soon it will be time to eat those turkeys. Nice job on your blog.
Joyce M

Valerie said...

Love the photos of "your" turkeys! Have been wondering your blog and now your newest follower. Will be checking back often.


Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

How funny! When we lived on the beach we had the same problem with seagulls. Almost everyday we would have to clean the poop off our two porches. Boy, could those birds make a mess.

Lizabeth said...

Too funny, and I know all about them too! We get them in clusters around here, they wander about and eat from the ground below our bird feeders. My cocker spaniel used to think it was pretty cute to go and roll in their poop! UGH!! Those days are gone with her, but the turkeys keep coming by!

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