Monday, May 23, 2011

How To Feed 300 High School Seniors

Just when I thought my volunteer days at the high school were over, my daughter's company, Tourshi Catering was asked to provide the food for the 300 graduating seniors of Burlingame High School for their brunch. Of course my kitchen was commandeered!

All day today, we made 300 yogurt and fruit parfaits, 450 wraps, 20 gallons of pasta salad, 15 gallons of cole slaw, bagels and various flavored cream cheeses. Root beer floats will also be served!
Luckily, a lot of moms will be available to serve the food. I remember doing the same when all four of my kids graduated from BHS!

With the refrigerator and freezer packed full, I came up with a solution for keeping the rest cold.

My claw foot bathtub!

The other bathtub too! As well as several plastic tubs in the garage of pasta salad packed with ice. It all gets delivered at 8:30 AM tomorrow!
Needless to say, I'm exhausted! Which is why Tuesday Inspiration just might not happen this Tuesday!

Congratulations to the Burlingame High School class of 2011!

I'm joining Foodie Friday over at Designs by Gollum.

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Red Couch Recipes said...

That looks like a lovely lunch and how creative to think of packing a tub with ice to keep things cold. I am sure they will love this lunch. Joni

Sarah said...

Looks like a delicious brunch. Clever idea to keep these on ice. ~ sarah

NanaDiana said...

WHAT a great thing to do! What a lot of work though....just curious...what did you do with all your spare time?;>) xxoo Diana

YONKS said...

Wow! I'm exhausted just looking at all that effort - well done, it looks marvellour!

a quiet life said...

what a sport! it must have been so much fun though working with your daughter~

Joyce said...

Lucky graduates and what fun to help your daughter. Thanks for posting the photo of the HS as I miss Burlingame.

The French Hutch said...

Wow, you've been a busy girl helping to prepare for three hundred HS Seniors. Your quick on your feet with a very clever cooler idea!. I'll have to remember that one.
Congratulations to the BHS Class 2011!

The French Hutch

Antique Style said...

I can't believe you worked so hard yesterday and managed to find the time to post!

Very creative keeping everything cold in the tubs! I'll file that away for future reference....

Lizabeth said...

An amazing feat! Ingenuity wins! I'll bet it was a huge success! What a lovely menu!

Kathy Walker said...

Wow! What a day! Sounds like a great menu...what lucky kids!

Mary Ann Pickett said...

That title certainly caught my eye! Wow. Great job. I have a high school senior boy and they love to eat.

French said...

Bravo ladies!! Organization & creativity wins the day!

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

What a fun post. How nice of you to allow your daughter to take over your house for such a huge undertaking. Great tub idea - reminds me of sorority and fraternity parties from 25 years ago, only we didn't chill wraps or soda.

Jane said...

Impressive! Love your cooling solution. I'll have to remember it for my next HUGE party. We used to do this in college...but it's been so long, that I had forgotten what a wonderful cooler a bathtub can be. It was also good for "tequila flats"...or so I'm told ;-)

The Fajdich Times said...

You are amazing.....very impressive:)

Elisabeth said...

LOTS of work!! Those fruit parfaits caught my attention. They were packaged so nicely.

Did you have to use your home refrigerator? You don't have a spare one? I have a spare one and then occasionally we bring in another one. (We have rental properties so we have extra on hand usually.)

Get some well earned rest.

Mary Sullivan Frasier said...

Wow! That's an unbelieveable amount of food to prepare and to store! Even if it is just temporary. We have 3 refrigerators and I doubt that would be enough!

Newly following from Foodie Friday. Love to have you stop by some time and say hello!

~Mrs B

Amy said...

Wow, I've never prepare so much food all in 1 day! What a great use of the bath tubs. :) You've got some healthful food to serve, I love that. Thanks for sharing.

By the way, I'm hosting 2 Giveaways on my blog, please stop by to enter when you have a chance. One for $50 Thrive products and another one for baking molds and more. Have a wonderful weekend.


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