Mr. A is "gone fishing," yet again! This is the time of year that I am a fishing widow!
He will be back in time to say hello and goodbye, as I'm headed to Oregon for a week to visit my Mom.
So....I'm going to be reposting some old favorites.
This one is called "A River Runs Through It," circa January, 2010.
It is my favorite post, and Mr. A's too.
I hope you enjoy it:
"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
I am haunted by waters."
-Norman Mclean, "A River Runs Through It"
Photo of Umpqua River, circa 1976 by Gary Arabian
Rivers run through our family: I spent the first half of my childhood on the Siuslaw River in Oregon; the granddaughter of a legendary river guide. My husband is an avid fisherman, as is his twin brother, our sons, and nephew. It's in our blood, rivers and fishing.
It makes sense that we would be drawn to vintage paintings of rivers like the one above. It is a lovely European oil of a pastoral scene with cows in the river.
What is it about rivers that inspires artists, writers, poets and the like to create a work of art?
Thornton Wilder said: "It is only in appearance that time is a river. It is rather a vast landscape and it is the eye of the beholder that moves." The above river is the Trinity, a legendary steelhead stream in Northern California.
This little painting is probably by a "Sunday Artist" as there is no signature, but I love the muted colors and the bend in the river.
A beautiful fly fishing stretch on the McCloud River in Northern California.
"What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." -Hal Boyle
Another European river scene with cows. I love the reflection on the water.
The Mattole River is near Eureka and one of Mr. A's favorite rivers to fish.
The Trinity River again. Notice the fisherman in the distance and the steelhead on a fly in the foreground. Pure poetry. What artist wouldn't want to paint this scene!
This was our very first painting! It is of the Eel River, and we found it at our favorite antique store in Healdsburg years ago. Circa 1923 by local amateur artist.
Mr. A's beloved handmade wooden river boat. It has been down virtually every major trout and steelhead stream in California and Oregon. It is in it's own way a "work of art."
This little naive painting is another example of an inspired hobbyist painter. I love the deer crossing the stream.
The McCloud River looking quite majestic. This is serious fly water.
I had my friend Diana paint this from a photograph. It's of Mr. A's friend Frank fishing the Yuba River.
Twin brothers, circa 1999 on some river, somewhere.....
This is a print of a lovely bucolic stream with cows. I picked it up at a second hand store!
A chip off the old block!
A European oil we recently added to the collection. I love the castle!
And yet another scenic river photograph.......
........And so "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." --Oscar Wilde
Are you "haunted by waters" also?
Wow, loved the first one and just kept getting better and better as a scrolled down the page. Great photos. Makes me want to be there. Definitely my kind of scene! Thanks for sharing. Have a great visit with your mom :)
You had me at river.. We are a family of trout fisherpersons and are drawn to rivers like a flies to you know what! Beautiful photos and beautiful pictures. Fabulous to see the beauty that surrounds you! xo marlis
Beautiful photos and artwork! I would like to try fly fishing sometime, it looks so relaxing. And I agree, if you have water in your blood, it never leaves you and you never find yourself too far away from it for too long!
Kat :)
P.S. I LOVE your new stove!
Though not a fisherman or related to one, water has always been a "pull" to my spirit.
Your collection of paintings is very special because of their water "theme". I particularly like the ones with cattle in them...
Beautiful photos...that first one took my breath away! Enjoy your trip to Oregon...I love the PNW and will be moving to Seattle in the spring. Happy Sunday to you!
Beautiful photos Delores.
I love all pictures with water, be they ocean, lake, river or stream.
Thanks for sharing and have a great visit with family.
Beautiful fly fishing photos and paintings, dear! "Mr. Ed" is an avid fly fisherman...not I. I do enjoy the sound of the Bennett Spring State Park and it's gorgeous Fall scenery where we vacation each year! He never tires of his fishing spot, nor do I. Those smiles on Mr A. , his brother and "Chip" are priceless!!! Thanks for sharing this lovely post of one of life's blessings...the river!
Delores, this is a favorite post for me, too. What gorgeous scenery! I also love, love, love the fishing table you did for Mr. A. It's definitely a favorite.
Hope you find your mom doing well. Have a safe journey. Enjoy your time with your mom. ~ Sarah
Lovely, Delores! Wonderful paintings and photos! I also grew up in a fishing family and it is a big part of my childhood memories. On my bucket list...learn to fly fish! Have a good visit!...hugs...Debbie
Just looking at these pictures is a natural decompressor! So beautiful......
While I do not fish, I realized years ago that I was naturally drawn to water scenes in artwork. I have many paintings of rivers, streams, etc. Yours are all quite beautiful!
Karen T.
What a lovely way to start the week - some of my favorite people in the places they love the most. And, it's Frankie's birthday, too! We love the painting - the most incredibly thoughtful gift. Wishing Mr. A. "tight lines!"
Gorgeous, and so tranquil! I am drawn to rivers as well. Thank you for such a beautiful post! Loved seeing some of your art collection as well.
Love your whole site beautiful congrats on the magazine I am going to go out and find a copy
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