Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vignette Design Meets Heart and Home and an Ikea Inspired Tablesape

Hey everyone, meet Heidi! She is my new BFF!
One of the biggest surprises for me about blogging has been "meeting" such wonderful people from all over the world. My Mr. A calls them my "invisible friends." Well, last week, I met Heidi from Heart and Home and she went from "invisible friend" to real live friend! How cute is she!

Heidi's blog Heart and Home is just beautiful. I have been following her for quite a while, intrigued that she lives on the redwood coast of Northern California. When we found out we lived somewhat close to each other, we started emailing back and forth. Eventually, we agreed to meet for lunch.We decided to meet at Ikea, since it was halfway between our homes. Above is Heidi taking a picture of me, taking a picture of her!

Seriously, we had such a great time. It was like I have known her for years!

We shopped Ikea and talked the entire time about blogging and how it has enriched our lives. We found that we share the same passion for interior design, gardening, family and home.We had so much in common. We even dressed alike! Same jeans, boots, tee shirts, boyfriend blazer and jewelry! Similar hair too!

For lunch, we each had a delicious Greek salad and Diet Coke at the Ikea cafeteria and continued talking even more! We wanted to come up with a plan to blog about our meeting and what we purchased at Ikea.

So, while shopping in the dish section, we decided to purchase something that would inspire each of us to create our own Ikea inspired tablescape for "Tablescape Thursday."

I found these two cotton stripe rugs for $5 each. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them, but was thinking "table runner."

Then I found a package of four stenciled cork placemats.
I ended up layering them on the rugs which I placed across the table.
Now....what plates to use that would tie in with them both.

So in the spirit of our Ikea (bargain) tablescape challenge, I searched for very inexpensive dishes at my usual haunts. My first choice are these plates which I found at Ross. $16.99 for a 20 piece set! I like how the black toile and red rose pattern tie the Ikea placemats and rug together.

I already had the numbered napkins (Pottery Barn) and galvanized pots. I was lucky to have the fresh ivy plants after a shopping trip to the wholesale nursery for a client.

Wholesale is good! I bought this darling ivy birdcage and used it as the centerpiece.

A bird's eye view of my "Ikea Inspired Tablescape!"

Just for fun, here is my second choice. I also found these plates at Ross. Aren't those salad plates cute? Don't worry, I will use them. I'm staging a house to sell and will end up using these plates in a garden room by the pool.

Now, go over to Heidi's at Heart and Home and see her "Ikea Inspired Tablescape."
It is absolutely darling! Don't forget to leave a comment and tell her Delores sent you!

We are both linking up to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday.

I'm also linking up to Heidi at Heart and Home for her weekly Wednesday Gratitude because I am very grateful to meet her and call her friend.

On Friday, I'm linking up to Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.

Pin It!


Traditions By The Seasons said...

How exciting to meet a blog friend in real life. You both are adorable. Your tablescape turned out beautifully. What a fun post, thanks for sharing! ~Liz

Johanna Gehrlein said...

What a nice adventure to meet a blogger friend and then to shop together. Nice tablescape. Very modern and trendy. I love your flatware.
Now I hop to Heidi.
Greetings, Johanna

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh what fun that you got to meet. You two are just gorgeous and you really do look alike. Your tablescape is gorgeous. I would never have dreamed up the mix of dishes and linens that you used, however I think it is genius and stunning. Beautiful table. Hugs, Marty

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

How wonderful that you got to meet! I have met several of my blogger friends and it has been such an enriching experience. I love IKEA, such a fun store. I have those same rugs that you used for table runners! Great idea. And I love the dishes you picked to go on the table, it gives it such a bright and cheery look!

Kim said...

Well Delores, leave it to you to make such a gorgeous tablescape inspired by IKEA! Ha! Guess what? I had the good furtune to meet up with some of my "invisible friends" just last week! We had a wonderful time and I'll be posting about it soon. Take care!

Semi Expat said...

What a wonderful day it looks like the two of you had... isnt it just great to meet with our blogging friends? And I love your table scape and those gorgeous mats. x

Kathysue said...

Delores how fun to meet Heidi at Ikea. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall!! You two are darling ladies. Love this idea, very clever, indeed. What a fun way to post about your visit together. Love the runners and the dishes. Now I am going to go and look at Heidi's blog. Have a wonderful day, Kathysue

A.A. said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! So glad you made a new friend, Mom! Have her over sometime..

Rose H (UK) said...

My you two are alike! Separated at birth?
Love the tablescape, very trendy. I think your cutlery is very beautiful.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

How wonderful to meet a blog friend! I have a few I hope to meet someday. Looks like you girls had a lot of fun together! I can't believe you pulled together such a pretty tablescape from Ikea purchases! There stuff is usually so modern.

Heidi said...

Aw gee Delores. That is just great! I'm so honored to be included here among your many great posts! And it's true, we did have a blast. I know we will need lots more time to talk next time!
The table is beautiful. I looooove those first dishes from Ross - they are gorgeous and tie everything together perfectly. And the ivy topiaries are great. The whole tablescape is perfect.
You are so clever and talented and have such interesting friends!!!
Thanks for sending people my way, too!
Heidi - Heart and Home

Amy Kinser said...

What great fun and what a great table.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

First - Really like your pretty table settings! We don't have an Ikea close. :( I have had the privilege of meeting 3 of our fellow bloggers, went to a bead show with one of them another time, and really looking forward to another get together. When we met, I felt like I already knew them.
Enjoy your evening.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh Delores, it sounds like y'all had such a great time! You are both so cute. When I saw the photo of the 2 of you together, I thought you had emailed each other about what to wear-you both look so stylish in your dark jackets with rolled cuffs! Your tablescape turned out so great! Love that china, and I cannot believe the price on it! What a clever idea to use the rugs for a table runner. That ivy-covered birdcage is wonderful. laurie

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What fun and aren't y'all cute. Even dressed alike. Love the table setting. Great numbered napkins and centerpiece. Love the dishes. I would love to had been there, too. Too bad you are on the other side of the country.

The Tablescaper said...

It's so fun to meet our blogging friends in real life. I got to meet Kathleen of Cusine Kathleen this summer and have continued to have wonderful shopping expeditions!

Love the Ikea inspired scaper!

- The Tablescaper

Marigene said...

How great that you got to meet a blogger friend!
Cool IKEA inspired table...the rose plates are really pretty.

Nancy Dulik Feldman said...

What a fun day! Isn't a new friendship the BEST gift you can get!

jninecostumes said...

Love the toile and rose plates. Ross you say? It's exciting to know that bloggers are real people who might actually meet IRL. This is a great table, so casual and simple yet it seems elegant as well.

Stacey said...

I just love that y'all showed up dressed alike! What are the chances of that? How fun...I think it means you were meant to be friends.

Your table is awesome. I love how you pulled it all together.

Carrie Ann Eddleman said...

Oh how lovely, and so much fun. It's so great that you've actually gotten to meet some of your blogging friends. Take care, Carrie

Anita Diaz said...

Another gorgeous table! Love this! Love the placemats, the ivy especially, the plates, and the it all!!

Erin said...

Gorgeous table! I love the rugs/runners. Glad you got to turn your invisible friend into reality!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Very pretty table setting! It's casually dressy! I like your first choice with the black and red toile rose pattern best. I love how different this whole setting is..very nice! How cool to meet a blog friend in person! It's even better that you two seem to have quite a bit in common. Congrats on your new friendship!

Debbiedoos said...

Delores I think that is awesome that you and Heide met in person!~ I would love to meet some of my blogging buds, maybe someday. I love your table setting and the dishes are a real bargain from Ross...paired up with the place mats, they look fabulous! Thanks for sharing your special day!

podso said...

Totally cute and fresh-looking. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Delores and Heidi!!!!

You TWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!! How cute and I wish I were there.......... Love the table! Very pretty!

What a fun day! Delores thanks for stopping over and your kind comments!

love, kelee

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

What a fun time at Ikea and the chance to meet your blogger friend. Love your tablescape and the ivy covered birdhouse is wonderful.

Unknown said...

Great story! Isn't life wonderful!

Allison said...

Love the table setting! So casual, fun and elegant. I adore the ivy birdhouse - perfect center piece. You two look like sisters and what a fun afternoon you had.

Carol at Serendipity said...

How wonderful that you could meet a blogging friend. Ikea looks wonderful. Now I will head to Heidi's blog! I will be back to visit.


Martha said...

A very pretty table -- love the IKEA portions and those dishes and the ivy topiaries -- perfect! Love the numbers as well! A great table!

Tricia said...

I just love this table -- the different elements came together so beautifully! Very appealing! LOVE the ivy birdcage centerpiece, and your black-handled flatware was the perfect choice. Now I'm off to check out your friend's table!

Kelly said...

What a great idea to use rugs as runners on the table! I can't believe how inexpensive they were. I should try to get to our Ikea down in Atlanta sometime. I've never been! Your second table setting with the black chargers is my favorite. I love the ivy centerpiece with the galvanzied buckets.

xinex said...

Your tablescape is so pretty, Delores. I love those ivy topiaries! And how wonderful for you to meet with Heidi. Isn't that just so fun? I have met with a few bloggers and it is always fun everytime. You two are like a pea in a pod. You are so alike, so cute!...Christine

Lorna ~ Lace and Ivy Cottage said...

What fun you two had! Your IKEA finds are fantastic. The rugs look a lot like vintage grain sacks, but so much cheaper! Love how you used them as runners. You're so lucky to find those topiaries wholesale too. Great table. Now I'm going to visit your new friend's blog!

Lori Lucas said...

I wish I could be your triplet! What a great story to go with your WONDERFUL tablescape! I don't even know which one I like better. I love the runner/rugs. I love the placemats. I love it all! Plus the story was charming. Thanks for sharing! Lori L

Kelly said...

You had such a wonderful adventure, what a great tablescape.
Kelly Bookend Diaries

Anonymous said...

What fun dishes to think about mixing and matching! Love it.

helenabelle said...

I just love your table setting! The rugs are just great as well as those plates!!
Sounds as if ya'll had a grand time! The two of you were meant to be much in common.
The Tattered Tassel

Mary said...

What a great idea to use the rugs this way - it looks spectacular with the first china pattern - all very lovely. It's such fun to meet up with blog friends and Heidi certainly looks like a lovely person to go shopping with. I'm off to visit her now!

Kathleen said...

That came out great! I wish we had Ross here..we do have Ikea, but it is far.
Maybe I will meet The Tablescaper there and have lunch and shop..then blog about it! :)
I used a cloth from the WSonoma PB outlet. I love those bargains..Never pay full price!

Lenore said...

What great ideas you picked up at the rug/mats and the rose/black plates.
What a lovely day to meet a blogger and instantly hit it off....wish I could have joined you but I'm too far away!

Tamra said...

Just found you via Savvy City Farmer (Thank you Joy!). Love your blog!

Beth said...

I really like your tablescape! The plates are a fabulous find! Wish we had a Ross and a Homegoods nearby!

Miss Merry said...

What fun the two of you must have had! And your tablescape is beautiful.

Tina said...

Hi Delores:) I love your tablescape, it is gorgeous!! I love your Ivy:) How fun to have a blogging friend become a 'real life' friend, that is fantastic and the two of you look like you had a ball in IKEA:) I am so happy to have found your blog. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! You have inspired me to do something fun with a friend today!!

Gail said...

I love Love LOVE this tablescape. SOOO pretty, country chic and...very inexpensive I might add! Just lovely!


fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

such a pretty table setting! love it.. so chic!

Unknown said...

Hi Delores! I just want to thank you for becoming a follower, you're so sweet!
Your tablesape is amazing!

Have a nice week end!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

How fun to meet a kindred spirit! You look like you could be sisters! Your table is set beautifully! Very happy I stopped by!

Tricia said...

You two are so cute, love it! So glad you visited me today so now I've found another fabulous blog. Love your home and your style.
Have a great weekend.

Allison Shops said...

Looks like you two had a terrific time. Love the table setting, as usual.

Thanks for stopping by AtticMag and commenting on the Lloyd Loom linen baskets. I bet your antique space was fantastic, and I would have enjoyed shopping there.

Lana said...

You know I love your blog as I frequently leave comments and I love her blog as well! Sooo....How fantastic that you two got to meet and I LOVE the IKEA inspired tablescape!


Donna at the Scarlet Petticoat said...

I love how the rugs you used for runners complement the rest of the room. I really like the new plates from Ross. They sort of remind me of the tatoo art that is so popular now...might be a strange idea for the future!!!
fellow ikea-ite!! donna

Pamela said...

I am so glad you visted my blog! Your blog is just beautiful! We have the same tast. I find it so amazing to meet women with the same tastes and interests! I just love this about blogging!
I've become a happier follower of your blog!

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your table! I would have used the rugs on the table to! You have a great eye for detail.

What a fun story to read about meeting your blogging buddy in real life. I loved the pics of you taking pics of one another! That is just too darn cute.

And...when I saw the pic of both of you together...I thought, 'they even dress alike' and then read where you wrote just that!

You look like you've been BFF's for a long time. How sweet!

Bonnie said...

I would have loved to be with y'all too. It is so much fun to have "invisible friends". I am so glad to find people who have common interests that I do.

All your tablescapes are just wonderful.

Thank you Delores for offering to help me with enlarging pics. I was so flattered. I know how busy you are just blogging. I actually made a list of questions to ask and slowly I am figuring some of them out. It makes me feel good to get it on my on. I'm taking it slowly because I can see I am getting addicted to blogland. I showed my husband who also loves to fish your blog post with your husband's brown trout. He has a funny story he still tells that happened in 1990. We were driving our motor home from Alaska and stopped in Yellowstone. He caught the largest brown trout ever for him. He sent our son (12 at the time) to tell me to drive the motor home to where he was and bring the movie camera. Being the experienced motor home driver I was I backed over something and knocked the sewage tank loose. I had no idea what I had done. Of course, when he found out he ran to see what horrible thing I had done and lost his fish. Even worse, there was no picture of the fish. He just knew he would be in big trouble with environmental issues.
I haven't done a new post in so long, I need to get busy but we are keeping our grandchildren this week so it will be later. I love the new pictures for TT but hope it is not harder to do.

I've written a book. I like Heidi and her blog. Thanks for posting about how you got together.

Anonymous said...

I love Ikea too; we have a very big Ikea store in our hometown ( Breda, The Netherlands ) finally for two years now. I love to go there and mission for great and non-exspensive idears.
Beautifully done in your home.
Lieve groeten
Godeliva van Ariadone

Kitty Deschanel said...

You 2 look like you could be twins! It's amazing that you met each other through blogging. I'm extremely antisocial and blogging has helped draw me out of my shell a bit. Not quite ready to meet anyone in person yet though! :p

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