Sunday, September 5, 2010

Buon Viaggio

"Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go.
But no matter, the road is life." ~ Jack Kerouac

His bags are packed, he's ready to go. Wait, that's from a Peter, Paul and Mary song!
Still, that song is in my head this morning. #2 Son leaves on a jet plane today for Florence!

Buon Viaggio Alex!

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Lori E said...

I will get there one day for sure. It takes my breath away when I see photos.
What a great place to go to school.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Hope he has a safe and fun trip.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh what a fabulous place to go. I know he will have a fantastic time seeing all the sights and enjoying all the local culture. Safe trip. Hugs, Marty

Kathysue said...

Alex, have a wonderful safe trip and absorb all that you can while in Florence. Delores I know Good byes are hard, my thoughts are with you,Kathysue

Tamra said...

How exciting!! What a wonderful gift to give your son, the gift of education in a foreign country.

A little sad,yes, but think of all the wonderful experiences he will bring home and share with you around the dinner table. Good food, good wine, your family and tales from Italy, doesn't get much better than that girlie!

savvycityfarmer said...

mamma .. you're such a sweet mamma ...

the BEST thing is ...

shipping your goody box Tues.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Oh have a wonderful time Son #2!!!!! This is a bucket list trip. I hope you get a nice present when he gets back!

NanaDiana said...

I'm sure you are missing that lovely young man already!

I love all the old Peter, Paul & Mary concerts and was lucky enough to see them in one of their last concerts before she passed. Their music reminds me of the passion of the 60's/70's...where we all had some cause...or no cause...or were where we were just because...

That's a sad/sweet song to remember your son's leave taking. Diana

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Oh...How cool for him! Wish I could carry his bags for him!

Blondie's Journal said...

Wishing your son a safe and wonderful time in Florence!


Helen said...

Wish your son a 'Safe Journey' .... bring home photos for all of us!

Sarah said...

What a fortunate young man Alex is. I wish him lots of great adventures. I know you will miss him, but October is not far off. You'll be in the Italian country side in just a few weeks.
Happy Labor Day. ~ Sarah

La Dolfina said...

How wonderful!!
He's so blessed to be given this opportunity. Oh how I love Florence!

A Runner's Mind said...

Have a wonderful time, Alex! (Imagine that sentence with hands flying and an Italian accent!) Learn lots!

Sue Murphy@life as a house said...

We know you will miss him... but what a great opportunity. One of my regrets is that my parents didn't instill in me the joy of travel at an early age. It took me until my 40's to travel. We become so much more tolerant when we experience other cultures first hand.

Little Emma English Home said...

Buon viaggio!! I can see you'll miss him a lot...I guess it's not easy for parents to let children go...

Hugs xx

Blooming Rose Musings said...

Lucky you that you get to visit him! It is one of my very favorite places. Not only is the city divine but the countryside around it is breath-taking. He is going to have a fabulous time...and so are you when you visit him!

Kristen White said...

How exciting for your son...such an adventure and lucky you gets to visit!!! Can't beat that :o)

Katy Noelle said...

I have GOT to get "the wild table" for Tom!!!!!! (I just saw it there in your sidebar!)

My parents and my sister went to Italy, a few years ago. They stayed in Florence in the very same hotel that "A Room with a View" was filmed. She didn't have one, though. =(

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