Tuesday, September 7, 2010



French Words!

Italian Words!


I don't even know what to call my collection of words and numbers. Bistro Ware? English Ironstone? French Enamelware?
Whatever, I love the simplicity of the bold lettering on the white ironstone or enamel.

Most of my collection is in our wine country kitchen. It just seems to fit there.

Although, the two porcelain slabs in our kitchen at home work well there too. I like how it mixes with the French confit pot, giving the kitchen a French Country look.


The ironstone slabs are hard to find, and mine are reproductions. Joni at Cote de Texas recommends on her website these ironstone slabs found here.

Here's where I found some of my "words:"

English Ironstone slabs: Sonoma Country Antiques and Ebay
"Coffee" cups: Crate and Barrel
"In Vino Veritas" plates: Restoration Hardware
"Bistro" demitasse cups: Pete's Coffee

Everything else was found at either flea markets, antique stores, TJ Maxx, Marshall's or Ross!

In the meantime, here is what I'm loving right now!

I think it will be a nice addition to my collection, don't you?

On Friday, I'm linking up to Artie at Color Outside the Lines for Vignette Friday.
I'm also linking up to Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Be sure to check out these parties for inspiration!

Pin It!


*The Beautiful Life* said...

What a lovely blog. I used to carry the large PURE BUTTER slabs in rectangular and round shapes as well as the smaller CHEESE slab in round, in my store. Unfortunately, our supply came to an end. So glad to see someone else is apparently able to offer them again. I must get a dozen inquiries a month for those slabs -- and we haven't sold them for a good 4 years now... :)

Thanks for such a fabulous post!!


Christie said...

These things are so lovely! You have a wonderful eye for detail! I particularly love the 'sprinkle' and 'honey' pot and the tea decanter! Three Pixie Lane

savvycityfarmer said...

gotta love those words... I was just about to stencil some on old wood ...

nice collection ... you KNEW I'd love it

Karen said...

I don't know what to call it either, but I LOVE it. I never thought of a collection of this kind. But, so unique!

Kathysue said...

Oh Delores the ironstone cheese slab is on my wish list. you know how I ma with anything black and white and words or monogram I am just drawn to them also numbers in black. It goes waaaay back!!! Love a good monogram too. I am going to go back and look at all your lovelies again. I am drooling on my keyboard, Okay not really but if I drooled this would be the time to do it, Have a great week, Kathysue

Anonymous said...

Love your kitchen and all these pieces!! xo

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Still having problems with "Service Unavailable", so this may be a duplicate comment.
Just wanted to say I want a kitchen like yours, and really like the word and number pieces.
Hope you are having a great week.

NanaDiana said...

Delores-I love words on things to...but your collection is stunning in its beauty and simplicity! Thanks for sharing it here- Diana

Rose H (UK) said...

What a fabulous collection! Love the 'Pure Butter' slab.
Your kitchen looks great too :o)

Rose H (UK) said...

What a fabulous collection! Love the 'Pure Butter' slab.
Your kitchen looks great too :o)

Julio Muao said...

Words that come to my mind when I look at your kitchens:

Fabuleux! étourdissant!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

What a fun post. And a super collection. You have a wonderful way of putting things together. I LOVE the iced tea canister. Just may have to go over and look at that too.
I always feel like I am in for a treat when I visit!

Debby said...

Such a cute blog. Love those coffee cups.

Heidi said...

Wow, Delores!
Another collection. You have so many, all great ones. The "words" one is unique and wonderful. Mine would have to say things like "chipped", "glued together", "dropped" etc. Seems like lately everything I own is "distressed" in some way!
Hope you're having a good week.

Sharing with Sherri said...

Great collection Delores! Just love your kitchen! I love things with words on them too!
I can totally relate to Heidi's funny comment, and would like to add that I probably like things with words on them, cuz lately I find myself having trouble remembering words! lol!

Great post!
Hugs, Sherri;)

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful blog and unique collection! Love it.


Privet and Holly said...

Delores, you were
a woman ahead of
the curve with this
everyone is into
numbers, words and
letters! YES, you
NEED that iced tea
dispenser : ) Here's
hoping you get it!
xx Suzanne

Allison said...

I love your collection, Delores. I'm also into words and recently numbers. Seems to go well with our new kitchen. You've got a great collection and I think you need the ice tea jar! I adore your honey pot! I need to find one of those. Have a great week.

clustres said...

Great collection1 Thanks for the info! I may have to "save up" for one of those slabs!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Love this post!!!!Every bit of it!

Lori E said...

Totally suits you. Helps you remember what everything is for too. I like that in a kitchen. Ha.

Be Colorful Coastal said...

I am also addicted to things with words - maybe because we are talkers??? :) My quotes, pillows, and dishes are sprinkled throughout the house but I am coveting your collection here. Great fun.

Kristen White said...

Love your collection of "words". The pure butter slab is one of my favorites!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Delores, You have a fantastic collection. I looked for an antique butter slab for years with no luck. I have the reproduction slab and it is one of my favorite things. I see you and I have several of the same "word" pieces.
xo, Sherry

Sue Murphy said...

Wonderful collection. I once saw a pantry filled with containers with words. What a beautiful sight. Sue

Blooming Rose Musings said...

Marvelous collection. I especially like the slabs. Difficult to find "chocolate"...my weakness.
Enjoyed seeing your fun and wonderful collection.

St. Nicholas and Christmas said...

Oh, what a lovely journey I just took through your blog! (And I think I go with the name Bistro Ware!)
My daughter went off for studies in Florance a few years back. It was absolutely wonderful for her (and for me, who visited often!)Hope your son has a great Semester there!

Renée Finberg said...

i love the look of it all.
i have used many pieces that i picked up at clignancourt flea market/paris.


Scribbler said...

Very clever post! I always love visiting your blog.

Marlee said...

So beautiful that I am at a loss for "words". I especially like the Sprinkle container and the Bistro de Paris coffee cup.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Delores, I remember seeing some of these "word" things before, but seeing them all in one post was just so much fun. You have a wonderful collection. I've wanted one of those cheese slabs for-ever! I think you've inspired me to buy it for myself. Everything you do inspires me! laurie

bj said...

I am so in love with your beautiful collection. I have wanted the slabs forever but haven't found any. Thanks for the tips on where to get some of the others.
I love your pretty blog and will sign up to follow.:)

The Tablescaper said...

You've made me realize how much I like "word" pottery as well. I don't have nearly the collection as you, but I've got a few peices poking about.

By the way, both of your kitchens are lovely.

- The Tablescaper

Katy Noelle said...

Oooo, not about this post, but, that Charles Faudre book - on your sidebar, here, looks really, really good!

I love the letters! I love this style. I've been wanting an antique alumette tin for AGES! I saw one in my Laura Ashley decorating book, 10 or so years ago! My sister carries the Bistro de Paris china at Rose Arbour. I am secretly hoping that there's some left at the end of the year. (I try not to wipe out her stock as soon as she gets it in!)

The funny thing about words and numbers is, they help my boys sooooo much. Label it and there right there with me, instead of "lost in space" somewhere. It's like magic.

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