Saturday, November 14, 2015



Pin It!


gme said...

What happened?

vignette design said...

Can we say nightmare?

Carol S. said...

It's working.

Cyndy said...

....and you're back! Yay! :)

Thehouseofhampton said...

Missed you.

sheilaa131 said...

That was strange. Thought you had closed your blog, glad you didn't.

Toni said...

So glad you are back as I was so looking forward to seeing the reveal of your new home space as it all comes together! Life.....such curves it throws us sometimes.
Anyway...the floors will be beautiful and your patience and persistence will pay off.

Sheila @ Maison de Cinq said...


So glad that you are back online! What a hassle that stuff is, and when there are no ACTUAL people to call, so frustrating! And for whatever it's worth, I think the "sign" is in your relief. You said maybe it was a sign. But you were so relieved when it was back, I think that is really the sign! You have been busy, but you will post more when the house is finished and we are all dying to see what you have to share!

We would all miss Vignette Design!


Karen T. said...


cotedetexas said...

you better NOT quit! I don't care how often you blog. once a month is fine with me!!!! don't leave!!!! EVER!!!

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