Friday, September 3, 2010

Italian Cypress Trees

When I think of Tuscany, I think of the majestic Italian Cypress trees dotting the landscape, walking down roads and up driveways.

Lately, I've been thinking of Tuscany a lot. #2 Son leaves on Sunday for Florence. He will spend his fall semester there, and we plan to visit mid-October.

It will be fun driving through the countryside, taking photos like the one above of Italian Cypress trees.

Although we think of these trees as Tuscan, they actually originated from Syria and Persia.
They were brought to Italy by the Etruscan people and valued for their "supernatural" powers. They believed the fragrant wood of the trees could ward off evil spirits.

I'm glad we have Italian Cypresses in Asti. Here they are marching up our driveway, lending a Tuscan feel. They seem to thrive in the wine country climate, so I've been planting them here and there. Maybe they can ward off evil spirits! Or rattlesnakes!

My latest project is to plant Italian Cypresses at the end of the pool, behind the roses. I bought
seven of them and had them planted in a straight line, which wasn't easy because of the terrain.

After planting, they look much shorter!

My goal is to have them towering over the roses.
I'm throwing some fertilizer on the cypresses next week and trimming the roses. That should do the trick!

Pin It!


Marigene said...

Gorgeous photos, Delores...your roses are so lush...hope you don't encounter many snakes, they give me the heebie jeebies!

savvycityfarmer said...

I think you've nailed it ... that Italian flavor ...
you'd never know your summer house was California ...

pour the red!

La Dolfina said...

Wow, breathtaking!!!
Your property in Asti is breathtaking!

Kathysue said...

If you did not tell us it was Asti I would have just concluded it was in Tuscany, now that is a verrrry Good thing!!! Beautiful grounds Delores. Enjoy your weekend,Kathysue

Blooming Rose Musings said...

Exquisite! I agree with Kathysue, I would have concluded your home was in Tuscany. Beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. Gorgeouse photos and gorgeous vistas.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Zondra Art

Kathy said...

I love the cypress also and just planted them in pots and also around my home where I need them to grow! I will put some fertilizer in mine too good idea! If you want to see them I just posted about my pots full of flowers that the cypress are in and you can see little baby ones. Thanks for the info on them

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Beautiful! Your trees do remind me of the two weeks I spent in Italy...

NanaDiana said...

Delores-Those are pictures to sigh over! *sigh* Oh so gorgeous you lovely lady!! Diana

Sarah said...

Delores, beautiful photos. Your pool area is gorgeous. What type of white roses are those?
We have three Italian Cypress in our garden, but they continually have issues with mites. I don't think they like living inside the city. :-) Love the grandeur of an Italian Cypress though. I'm envious of your October trip to Italy. ~ Sarah

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

They truly are gorgeous and all of your pictures are stunning. You have such a lovely place, they will be beautiful behind the pool. Hugs, Marty

Blondie's Journal said...

The trees will look gorgeous behind the pool! Now don't trim up the roses too much~they are beautiful!


Tamra said...

Breathtaking pictures!

Marlis said...

In time those Cypress will tower above the roses and provide an even more lush backdrop.. So beautiful. Wish #2 good luck and above all have some fun.

Dianne said...

What wonderful photos ~ they reminded me of the movie "Letters to Juliet" very Tuscan!!

Olive said...

We were in Tuscany six years ago and just fell in love with it and the trees. We are putting out 10 bags of lime around our trees, shrubs, and flowers on Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend♥olive

a quiet life said...

i just love your property... except for those that shall remain nameless in your prior post~

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Delores, I know I always gush about your gorgeous views. They are stunning and the roses are beautiful! Your trip to Italy is getting close and I know you have to be excited. I loved Florence!
Have a fantastic holiday weekend.
xo, Sherry

Paula In Pinetop said...

fabuloso !!!!!!

Regina said...

Magnificent and beautiful scenery!
Thank you for sharing!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Regina

Denise C said...

Your posts are always wonderful and inspiring and this one is no exception. I love seeing the photos of the trees - in both countries. I have never been to Italy, but in pictures, I have noticed the rolling hils and grapevines and colors, but I don't know that I've ever focused on the trees. Now I will. You have introduced me to a new key to the beauty of Tuscany.

I hope you don't mind. I linked your post to my Porch and Garden Party at

Antique Style said...

I love the Italian Cypress. What variety did you plant? I noticed some in the Napa valley that had sides clipped smooth as velvet.

As to growing fast: my uncle has planted millions of trees, he says your tree will grow miraculously fast if you use Agriform tablets when you plant. I got some, and used dropped them in a hole down the side made by a stake. You have to hunt around for the Agriform tablets. (I get mine at a sprinkler/pipe landscape store in Elk Grove).

Julio Muao said...

What stunning images and views. The cypresses are a great addition to the already spectacular setting. As usual, great eye Delores.


Anonymous said...

[url= ]работа на дому во время беременности [/url]
Начальные классы, когда не было никаких задач и забот, когда жизнь вертелась вокруг игр и домашнего задания, когда родители казались всемогущими... Приходишь со школы домой, мама кормит вкусным обедом, вечером подружки во двор зовут.. А взрослая жизнь ужасна: работа, надо деньги зарабатывать, за домом следить, и жизнь как оказалось очень сложная штука в плане человеческих взаимоотношений. Эх.. Хочу опять быть маленькой.

Katy Noelle said...

I love them, too.

Are these your photos??? They're just gorgeous!!!

Have you seen my sister's blog. You two are like two peas in a pod in many ways. She has some beautiful photos of Tuscany, too.

I love the symmetry and orderliness of the cyprus nest to the blousiness and softness of the roses. I've just bought three tiny arborvitae to do something similar in my garden - VT style. =] Youuuuu'llll seeeee.....

Anonymous said...

И сейчас почему-то отчего, но он задевает меня, острит по-злому, припоминает какие-то косяки с моей стороны, именно валит с больной головы на здоровую. Сегодня сказал "Хорошо, что я облюбовал не тебя, а ее", он бъет по больному месту... Может при всех что-то невежливо заявить или же повысить голос, не делает то, что я прошу сделать по работе, огрызается, подкалывает. Я ему ничего полохого не сделала, просто любила. Да, может слишком много ему прощала в отношениях. В этом ли вина?


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Хороший у вас блог! удачи в развитии

Anonymous said...

Прикольная статья, узнал много полезного. Сейчас читаю другие публикации

Anonymous said...

Неплохо написали, нашел для себя много интересного. Продолжайте в том же духе

Anonymous said...

Мне понравился ваш блог, прочитал массу интересных статей, спасибо!

Anonymous said...

Статья полезная и приятно изложена, большое спасибо за дополнительный материал!

Anonymous said...

Интересно написано, но желательно дополнить статью

Anonymous said...

Ваш блог мне очень понравился, только допишите эту статью

Anonymous said...

Отличная статья, напишите еще на эту тему, буду с нетерпением ждать

Anonymous said...

Ой, читай, прям обчитаешься! спасибо за интересную статью

Anonymous said...

Интересная стратья, узнал для себя несколько новых вещей, щас буду разбираться, в дальнейшем отпигшусь

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

ну да, блог мне тоже очень понравился, уже частенько захожу

Anonymous said...

Статья очень поучительная, будет полезна особенно новичкам

Anonymous said...

Статья очень поучительная, будет полезна особенно новичкам

Anonymous said...

Поздравляю вас Старо-Новым годом, желаю вам в новом году успехов и спасибо что вы находите время поддерживать ваш замечательный блог!

Anonymous said...

Статья отличная, но советую дополнить материалом, будет больше полезна!

Anonymous said...

Мне очень понравился ваш блог, особенно дизайн, хочу себе на сайт такой же

Anonymous said...

Согласе с мнениями многих, статья очень познавательная, прочитав узнал много нового!

Anonymous said...

Допишите эту статью, то до отличного материала не дотягивает

Anonymous said...

Блого просто супер, всем советую, непожалеете

Anonymous said...

интересненько. Статья вовсе неплохо написана

Anonymous said...

Да, после прочтения, я просто поражаюсь как все это бывает

Anonymous said...

Полностью согласен с предыдущими комментариями

Anonymous said...

супер как понравился ваш блог, высокого вам развития

Anonymous said...

Отличный блог, давно не читал, сразу же нашел много нового

Anonymous said...

Ок, спасибо большое, статья очень полезная для начинающих

Anonymous said...

Статья очень понравилась, узнал много полезного, буду пробовать осуществить на практике

Anonymous said...

Как то видел, но потом долго не мог найти, статья очень полезная. Всем советую

Anonymous said...

Прикольный болг, много нашел статей нужных, в которых подробно все описано, спасибо

Anonymous said...

Что то статей не много, лучше добавьте, а так блог нормальный

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Како је леп пост. ЈА стварно љубав за читање ове врсте или предмета. Могу Т чекам да видим шта други имају да кажу.

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