Monday, April 18, 2011

Full Moon Rising

A magnificent full moon surprised us Saturday night in the wine country.

Sneaking up over the Mayacamas Mountains, it was amazing to watch.

Good night moon!

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Lori E said...

2 nights in a row I have gone to bed amazed by the moon. Here there were some very strange clouds and the moon was sliding in and out of them. I gave the moon a crackle finish look. Mother Nature got crafty.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great shots - Thanks for sharing them with us. I started to take pictures of the moon the other night and got sidetracked.
Have a great week.

French said...

Fantastic I would love to be there!

Anonymous said...


angie said...

Her paintings are uniquely beautiful! Greetings

Salmagundi said...

That last picture is amazing with the moon through the window and the alabaster lamp (which I love!). Sally

Sarah said...

Wow, what an amazing sight, Delores. Great photos! ~ Sarah

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What wonderful photos! What type of setting did you use on your camera for those amazing shots?

Tricia Rose Rough Linen said...

Full moon in Libra, balanced...

Rebecca said...

Beautiful photos! It surprised us on Sunday night. We weren't expecting it. Took our breath away!

Unknown said...

Hi Delores~
I too was wondering what settings you used to capture such great shots of the moon... Mine always come out so bright you can't see detail on the moon. Like the night I tried to photograph the "Super Moon". Didn't come out too good at all! Let me in on your secret?

Carol S. said...

Delores, I love how you appreciate and feature both the elaborate and fancy...along with the simple and natural. What a treat watching that "bad moon rising" (I'm going on a limb here and guessing you like CCR).

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